Questions tagged [street-address]

Street address refers to postal addresses, or delivery points, that can be used for physical delivery of mail or goods.

Street address refers to postal addresses, or delivery points, that can be used for physical delivery of mail or goods. Data quality is a big issue surrounding street addresses, because they are not simple strings or numbers such as an email address or phone number. Therefore capturing, storing, de-duplicating and verifying street addresses all pose challenges.

542 questions
7 answers

How to parse freeform street/postal address out of text, and into components

We do business largely in the United States and are trying to improve user experience by combining all the address fields into a single text area. But there are a few problems: The address the user types may not be correct or in a standard…
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24 answers

Parse usable Street Address, City, State, Zip from a string

Problem: I have an address field from an Access database which has been converted to SQL Server 2005. This field has everything all in one field. I need to parse out the address's individual sections into their appropriate fields in a normalized…
Rob Allen
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12 answers

Is there common street addresses database design for all addresses of the world?

I am a programmer and need a practical approach to storing street address structures of the world in a database. So which is the best and common database design for storing street addresses? It should be simple to use, fast to query and dynamic to…
Arsen Mkrtchyan
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14 answers

Best practices for storing postal addresses in a database (RDBMS)?

Are there any good references for best practices for storing postal addresses in an RDBMS? It seems there are lots of tradeoffs that can be made and lots of pros and cons to each to be evaluated -- surely this has been done time and time again? …
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20 answers

How do you perform address validation?

Is it even possible to perform address (physical, not e-mail) validation? It seems like the sheer number of address formats, even in the US alone, would make this a fairly difficult task. On the other hand it seems like a task that would be…
Kevin Pang
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15 answers

How to obtain longitude and latitude for a street address programmatically (and legally)

Supposedly, it is possible to get this from Google Maps or some such service. (US addresses only is not good enough.)
Ola Eldøy
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18 answers

How to convert an address to a latitude/longitude?

How would I go about converting an address or city to a latitude/longitude? Are there commercial outfits I can "rent" this service from? This would be used in a commercial desktop application on a Windows PC with fulltime internet access.
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10 answers

Address validation using Google Maps API

I have a task to validate addresses entered into a system I am currently creating. The system requires that address entered are validated against a valid data source. In the UK the dataset comes from the Royal Mail and is expensive to access. The…
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9 answers

How should international geographical addresses be stored in a relational database?

Given the task of storing international geographic addresses in a relational table, what is the most flexible schema? Should every part of the address be broken out into their own fields, or should it be more like free text? Is there any sense in…
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5 answers

Using Address Instead Of Longitude And Latitude With Google Maps API

I've heard that it is possible to submit an Address instead of Longitude and Latitude and this would be much more feasible for my system. The user has to input their address when creating their profile and their profile afterwards will then display…
11 answers

Is it a good idea to use an integer column for storing US ZIP codes in a database?

From first glance, it would appear I have two basic choices for storing ZIP codes in a database table: Text (probably most common), i.e. char(5) or varchar(9) to support +4 extension Numeric, i.e. 32-bit integer Both would satisfy the requirements…
Sean Hanley
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8 answers

Android: Reverse geocoding - getFromLocation

I am trying to get an address based on the long/lat. it appears that something like this should work? Geocoder myLocation = Geocoder(Locale.getDefault()); List myList = myLocation.getFromLocation(latPoint,lngPoint,1); The issue is that I keep…
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10 answers

mysql datatype for telephone number and address

I want to input telephone number in a form, including country code, extension create table if not exists employee( ` country_code_tel int(11), tel_number int(10), extension int(10), mobile …
SUN Jiangong
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14 answers

get city from geocoder results?

Having problems getting the different arrays content from geocoder results. item.formatted_address works but not item.address_components.locality? geocoder.geocode( {'address': request.term }, function(results, status) { …
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6 answers

What is the "best" way to store international addresses in a database?

What is the "best" way to store international addresses in a database? Answer in the form of a schema and an explanation of the reasons why you chose to normalize (or not) the way you did. Also explain why you chose the type and length of each…
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