Questions tagged [octopus-deploy]

Octopus Deploy is an automated deployment system designed for .NET developers. It also supports other languages/platforms and non-Windows deployment.

Octopus Deploy is an automated deployment system for ASP.NET applications and Windows Services.


758 questions
1 answer

Terraform v0.12 Multi-line String EOF shell-style "here doc" syntax not been interpreted as before with v0.11

Within Octopus Deploy I've setup a Terraform Apply Step using their Apply a Terraform template In my Terraform file I want to use a connection to run an remote-exec on a Amazon Linux EC2 instance in AWS resource "aws_instance" "nginx" { …
Martin Woods
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6 answers

VSTS + Octopus Deploy? Why do I see a lot of CI/CD setups with both?

I'm a developer whose transitioning into Devops. By observation, I've noticed that a lot of dev shops have started using Octopus Deploy and Azure Devops Services (AzDo, formerly VSTS), or they are starting new projects to setup devops ci/cd…
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2 answers

Is there a way to package an ASP.NET Core app, using NuGet or otherwise?

I'm building a ASP.NET Core app which I can publish using dotnet publish. So far, so good. I'm interested in packaging that app so I can publish it on a NuGet server. dotnet pack, however, doesn't seem to contain enough information to recreate the…
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1 answer

How to execute PowerShell script when a build is stopped in build explorer

I have got a requirement wherein I need to execute a PowerShell script when someone stops a running build in TFS -> Build explorer. Is there any event or method that I can hook my code into to achieve that? For far I only know Pre & Post-build…
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4 answers

How to get IIS site to start up automatically after deployment?

I have a Web API service that I'm deploying to my various environments (using Octopus Deploy). It is supposed to do various tasks on startup, e.g. run any migration scripts required by Entity Framework Code First, and some background tasks managed…
Shaul Behr
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5 answers

TeamCity best practice setup for multiple branches

I'm looking for advice on the best approach to setup TeamCity/Octopus. Currently I have multiple branches in TFS2015 - dev, main and release (currently we create a release branch for each release). Our procedure is to develop in dev and deploy to…
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1 answer

Deploying to Octopus from Teamcity with .Net Core not creating .zip

I am doing the following steps: dotnet restore dotnet publish octopusDeploy: Push packages The second step creates a 'published-app' folder and the third step is meant to take that and create a .zip file and send it to the Octopus server. The…
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2 answers

Running Entity Framework migrations during Octopus Deploy CI to Azure

I need to set up a continuous integration process to deploy our application as an Azure cloud service, using Octopus Deploy. This process includes a step that executes Entity Framework 6.1 migrations against our Azure SQL database (by running…
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2 answers

How to make Octopus deploy choose package version in multiple environment?

We are building packages for multiple deployment environments using TeamCity server and OctoPack. The problem is that tentacle agent chooses the latest by number version of the package, so it's the same (latest) package that is deployed on all…
Vagif Abilov
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1 answer

teamcity octopus deploy handling multiple code branches (default and develop) with same project name

At the moment teamcity is watching and building a mercurial develop branch using the AssemblyInfoPatcher plugin and Project.Website.2.x.x.x.nupkg turns up in artifacts and octopus is deploying this to a staging environment. awesome stuff. Now I am…
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2 answers

Octopus Deploy and VPN

Does anyone know if its possible to deploy to a server in a VPN using Octopus Deploy? If the tentacle is on the server in the VPN is there a way Octopus Deploy to connect/disconnect to a VPN? Cheers UPDATE We think we've found a work around…
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1 answer

How to include config transform files in web application filesystem publish output

I've been pulling my hair out on this for a while now. I'm trying to implement a continuous integration and deployment pipeline using TeamCity and Octopus Deploy. I am 99% there, except for one problem. I am using the standard msbuild runner of…
Erik Funkenbusch
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1 answer

Azure web apps: Warning about an "auto-swap lock file"

I'm using Octopus Deploy to deploy a web application to Azure web apps. I'm using the deployment slots with auto-swap feature to warm the app up before making it accessible. Now Octopus Deploy issues a warning after every deployment: An auto-swap…
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1 answer

Azure web apps auto-swap notifications

I'm using a deployment slot called warmup on my Azure web app with the auto-swap feature. My deployment process is as follows: Octopus Deploy creates a release and deploys to the warmup slot Auto-swap warms up the slot and swaps to production as…
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2 answers

Publish nuget package during TeamCity build to Octopus

There is a known problem that if you deploy during a TeamCity build, a previous version will be deployed (as the current will be available only after the build is finished). Documentation suggests creating a secondary TeamCity BuildConfiguration as…
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