Questions tagged [native-ads]

Native ads is a type of advertising, that matches the form and function of the platform upon which it appears. They are similar to banners in that they're rectangular ads that you can drop into a layout and size how you like. The key difference is that you can control the ad's presentation details (things like image sizes, fonts, colors, and so on) by uploading a CSS template for your ad unit.

198 questions
1 answer

Showing Native Ads inside WebView content in Android?

I want to know how to show Native ad inside webview Content at random position everytime. Suppose i am loading static html page in webview. Is it possible to show native inside webview html page at random position when user reading the content of…
Jagjit Singh
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5 answers

Google Ads MediaView not correctly resizing height to wrap_content when displaying image

I got an email from AdMob today saying: Change to native ads policy: Native ads will require MediaView to render the video or main image asset. In an effort to help you deliver a better ad experience more easily, beginning October 29th, native…
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2 answers

Native Ads In React Native

How do you implement AdMob's Native Ads in React Native? The best I've found is react-native-admob, but it only does fixed banners and full screen interstitials. How could I implement native ads inside my React Native app with AdMob or any other…
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Facebook NativeAdsManager getting out of memory exception in RecyclerView

I'm creating an application that is using NativeAdsManager within a RecyclerView. When I load the ads, I'm getting an out of memory exception. This is where I initialise the NativeAdsManager: NativeAdsManager manager = new…
Sarath Kumar
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1 answer

Android Shared Storage protection issue

I had implemented Google Native Ads as given in Native Ads It is working perfect in all devices except Android 4.x version. The crash log in console is Non-fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Optimized data directory…
Giru Bhai
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2 answers

How to show an AdMob Native Ad between the content inside of GridView.builder?

I have a wallpaper app that shows pictures from Firestore in homescreen and I am using the flutter_native_admob package to show native and the ads are working fine. I already tried using the package staggered_grid_view but it didn't work, the…
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Native Ads vs Interstitial ads vs banner ads which one will generate more revenue? how to implement native ads?

I couldn't find any useful link to the newly added native ads. can anyone give me the link to the documentation. Can i use the Native ads and banner ads in one screen. Is this a violation of admob policy?
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3 answers

NativeAdsExpress forces RecyclerView to Scroll to have the NativeAd fully visible when first loaded

I have a weird "problem" or may be it's a "feature" and I just don't know, whenever a NativeAdExpress is loaded in my RecyclerView if only part of the NativeAd is visible, it forces the RecyclerView to scroll until the Native ad becomes fully…
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1 answer

Create an Admob native ad programmatically

I am trying to setup native ads from Admob programmatically but there is nearly no documentation about it from the official guide available here. I think I am close to the solution but I don't see how to set the unit size on it. The documentation…
Yoann Hercouet
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3 answers

Facebook native Ads are not clickable again in UITableView Cells after scroll

I have implemented facebook native Ads in UITableView, for first 1-2 times it clickable but when I scroll tableview and come again back to the same cell, now Ads are not clicking, I am using swift 3.2 Below is the cell implementation. let ad =…
3 answers

How to implement Native express ads in Listview with CursorAdapter

I have listview with cursoradapter. Now i want to implement native express ads in listview. I have seen the implementation of Native ads with simple baseAdapter,in that generally we are using List for passing data to adapter and check type…
2 answers

Failed to load Native ad: 0 Error

I am implementing code for native ads that is given by google. That is working okay with google ad unit id ADMOB_AD_UNIT_ID = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2247696110" But when I replace with my id its not showing ad and execute onAdFailedToLoad…
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New admob Express Native ads fail with IllegalStateException

I've been trying to integrate express native ads to my application. In the express native ads documentation I've read that they work best when displayed with FULL_WIDTH ad size. I tried to set my ad size to FULL_WIDTH but it fails with…
John Smith
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MyAdapter cannot be cast to in android

I've been working in RecyclerView and Google Volley for parsing JSON. Then I added google native ads! I following tutorial on this link So I did change the RecyclerViewAdapter like google developers guideline! It says that the List has to be a List…
Pankaj Lilan
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3 answers

Can we create ‘Native Ads’ in ionic?

I want to implement the native Ads in the ionic app. I have seen some native android apps which are using Native Ads to display Ads in the middle of the app content. I need the same functionality to display Ads in specific position of the app.…
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