Questions tagged [native-ads]

Native ads is a type of advertising, that matches the form and function of the platform upon which it appears. They are similar to banners in that they're rectangular ads that you can drop into a layout and size how you like. The key difference is that you can control the ad's presentation details (things like image sizes, fonts, colors, and so on) by uploading a CSS template for your ad unit.

198 questions
2 answers

Problem with loading native admob ads. No ads config or Invalid Template error

I'm trying to load admob native ads but I just can't. I can't see what is the problem. Spent 3 days on search and dont know where the problem is... Here is code for loading an ads: private void getNativeAds() { _nativeAdmobMutable =…
1 answer

Pre-load - Admob Native Ads in ListView

I've read the way to put Admob Native Ads into a Listview from here: Putting an AdMob native ad in a listView If my assumption is correct, then the ad will be loaded once the user scroll to the position. Is it possible to pre-load the native ads…
2 answers

Getting Error "Request Error: No ad to show" in AdMob Native ads iOS

I have developed native adMob in my application by coping code from Sample Application given by google from below URL I am getting: Error by using…
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Admob Native ads in RecyclerView android

I am facing this issue with my Recycler view while placing admob ads Problem: It is actually replaced the item from the list and place the ads After apply this solution recommended by one of the stack-overflow member the problem occur How to place…
1 answer

Google Advance Native Ad Display issue

I am using google advance native Ad. My Ad is display successfully on simulator and device when I run from Xcode, but when my app is live then one day Ad display on all device then another day Ad is not display in any one device whats problem in my…
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Placing "Native Advanced Ads" inside popup close

I try to put advanced ads inside the dialog box when you close the application, but when you open a dialog box does not load the ad for the first time. ... I am worried that I load the ad inside the application without appearing and at closing I…
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Facebook Native Ads Manager Android ads nativeAd.isAdInvalidated() returns true

nativeAd.isAdInvalidated() returns true for just loaded ad I am using both interstitial on button click as well as native ads in recycler view NativeAdsManager listNativeAdsManager; @Override protected void onStart() { …
Garvit Jain
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Swift - Mopub Native Ad loaded successfully but it's not displaying on view

I'm trying to implement MoPub's Native Ad manually to my app in swift. I was able to get it loaded successfully Loan Calculator[4217:1022703] MOPUB: Successfully loaded native ad. I have a view I created in the storyboard and it's connected…
Daniel Espina
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Admob native advance Ads repeating in recycler view

I ran this(Google Codelab Native Ads) code and the native ads in the list are sometimes working fine but most of the time they are like the bottom two screenshots. They are not in order and repeating themselves. Can anyone please check whats wrong…
2 answers

Can't get AdMob ad choices icon to show up on native ads

Been fighting this for a while and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Finally I made a sample project pretty much from their example and still can't see the ad choices icon. This is the code to show the ad: AdLoader adLoader = new…
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iOS Google Native ad not clickable

Following is my code. When I click on the ad present on the UITableViewCell didSelectRowAtIndexPath gets called and the ad is not opening in the browser. - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath…
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Create admob native advance ad id

I have implemented advance native ads in my Android application. Now, I want to take them live but cannot get them to work with my native app unit id. I am guessing it's because that can only be used for express ads. How can I get an advance ad…
Tadej Vengust
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AdMob Native Ads Express not receiving test ads

I am familiar with AdMob and with banner and interstials. I'm adding native ads functionality and something weird is happening because even if using the same AdRequest as for insterstitials/banners, for banners/interstitials I am getting test ads…
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Not able to display native ads in listView.builder in flutter?

Future main() async { WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); await Firebase.initializeApp(); final initFuture = MobileAds.instance.initialize(); final adState = Adv(initFuture); …
0 answers

How to place Admob Native Advanced Ads in Firebase recycler view android?

I have ViewHolder, But I am unable to integrate the native ads in this code, will you please guide me regarding the integration of the native ads in the same code? How should I integrate the Native ads in this code? public class ViewHolder extends…
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