Questions tagged [native-ads]

Native ads is a type of advertising, that matches the form and function of the platform upon which it appears. They are similar to banners in that they're rectangular ads that you can drop into a layout and size how you like. The key difference is that you can control the ad's presentation details (things like image sizes, fonts, colors, and so on) by uploading a CSS template for your ad unit.

198 questions
1 answer

NoSuchMethodError: No static method combineMeasuredStates With BottomNavigation View

I have used AdMob Native Advertise in my project. After adding its library('') my application is crashed. This is my app gradle file. apply plugin: '' apply plugin:…
1 answer

How to integrate admob native ads in eclipse

I have a project where i am integrating Admob BANNER, INSTERSTITIAL and Native ads. I can integrate INTERSTITIAL and BANNER. but i dont know how to integrate NATIVE ADS. I am working in eclipse below is how i am integrating interstitial and…
Pir Fahim Shah
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3 answers

How to place Admob Native Advanced Ads in recycler view android?

I want place the admob native advanced ads in every 3 position of my recycler view in android app. I would like to template provided by Admob. Here is xml code implementation of…
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