Questions tagged [native-ads]

Native ads is a type of advertising, that matches the form and function of the platform upon which it appears. They are similar to banners in that they're rectangular ads that you can drop into a layout and size how you like. The key difference is that you can control the ad's presentation details (things like image sizes, fonts, colors, and so on) by uploading a CSS template for your ad unit.

198 questions
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How to know if UnifiedNativeAd is NativeAppInstallAd or NativeContentAd?

I am using UnifiedNativeAd to display native ad. How can I know if it's NativeAppInstallAd or NativeContentAd? As per AdMob native ads policy compliance checklist, NativeAppInstallAd should always display Call To Action button while NativeContentAd…
Primož Kralj
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Admob Native Ad blocking UI thread

I have tried to implement Admob Native Ads into my Android App. But I have problem with this. My app has been blocking UI Thread when the ad is being loaded. I have used Native Ads for recyclerview. This is example for that which I have forked from…
Phan Sinh
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Google AdMob: Why do native ad response fail with "no fill" when both banner and interstitial are OK?

I have both banner and interstitial ads in my app, but when trying to load additional native ads which I want to use in recylerviews, the result of the load with AdLoader.Builder(...).forUnifiedNativeAd is always :I/Ads: Received log message:…
Roar Grønmo
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How to display google form for muting native ad?

I followed this guide I used this code from github googlesamples too mute a Native Ad.…
Vince VD
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3 answers

flutter - Native Ads wont load & show and also it's event callback not showing anything

While waiting for official Admob's Native Ads for a flutter, I try to integrate it using 3rd party plugin. I try using a plugin that claimed can show Admob's Native Ads here. However, the native ads wont load & show on Android Devices (iOS not yet…
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Are Native Express Ads Deprecated?

I tried implementing Native Express Ads, but for testing purposes i can't find the test ad id. I found alot of posts which just used the test id for banner ads ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111and for some reason this does work. Now my question…
Vince VD
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Showing Native Ads in RecyclerView

I am working with RecyclerView. In which I have to show two items in GridLayout Manager and span count of 2 to display native ads with full width. Can anyone help me.
Sumit Pansuriya
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3 answers

Facebook Native Ad - Native ad failed to load: No fill

I've integrated facebook native ad by following this guidelines It works fine on android 6 and lower versions but it Shows me No fill error with Android 7 and higher versions with…
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Is it allowed to Center crop admob native content ad image?

Am implementing admob native content ad in my android app. Is it allowed to Center crop admob native ad image? Here is some documentations i found. which…
jomin v george
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Android Admob Requests 4-5 times higher than impressions

my app uses admobs native express ads, every 4th row in a recipe list is showing an ad. I preload the ads before showing them to reduce the loading time. That causes that an Ad is requested even if it is not shown and the requests are much higher…
Ben Denger
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Adding native ads to the RecyclerView at Runtime

I'm trying to add native ads in RecyclerView. I have already seen the example provided in google samples. That example is from the list which has been already populated and then adding ad native ads to it. In my case, I am loading 10 items per API…
2 answers

Can i place two AdMob ads on one page (Fixed Banner and scroll able Native Ad)

I have an Activity that shows a Fixed banner that's located at the bottom of the screen and a Scroll able native ad that's inside my list view. Is my implementation respect AdMob policy rules ? I've already sow this, but my case is difrent here…
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Android Native ads in Fragment too much requests

I already created AdMob Native ads in Fragment and it works but after swiping app always request new ads and I think I'm creating too many requests. So my question is am I really creating too many requests. If answer is yes then how could I do…
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Admob native ads showing same content

I've put 4 unique native ads inside my application, but when I scroll through it and watch the Ads, I tend to notice that many times a couple of them show the exact same Ads LOL wouldnt it be better if the Ads always showed different, distinguished…
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