Questions tagged [kaltura]

Kaltura is an open source VPaaS (Video Platform as a Service). Kaltura is used to power video experiences in the OTT TV (Over the Top TV), OVP (Online Video Platform), and EVP (Enterprise Video Platform) markets as well as AdTech, Education Technology and MOOCs, Distributed Video Surveillance and other innovations with rich media. Kaltura is trusted by many global enterprises, media companies, telcos, service providers and education institutions

Kaltura is an open source VPaaS (Video Platform as a Service). Kaltura is used to power video experiences in the OTT TV (Over the Top TV), OVP (Online Video Platform), and EVP (Enterprise Video Platform) markets as well as AdTech, Education Technology and MOOCs, Distributed Video Surveillance and other innovations with rich media. Kaltura is deployed globally in over 300,000 enterprises, media companies, telcos, service providers and education institutions.

The Kaltura platform was designed to provide all the components needed to support the full media lifecycle with a highly scalable and extensible architecture. Including:

  • Versatile content ingestion options from any device and IP enabled camera
  • High Availability, mission critical Video Management System and Applications, featuring content management, robust search capabilities and mobile apps
  • High performance encoding, support all video, audio, image formats and codecs
  • Industry standards security for systems, content and delivery used and certified by banks, governments, insurance organizations, universities, telecommunications operators and global enterprises including Bank of America, IBM, Oracle, Intel, SAP, AT&T, Philips, HBO, ABC, and many others
  • Flexible metadata, schema and catalog management
  • Robust publishing, distribution and media repurposing management
  • State of the art customizable cross-platform web standards media player with APIs and plugin ecosystem and the fastest load times in the market today
  • Secure and controlled delivery management mechanism, including smart local-network and remote-network storage management capabilities
  • Granular Access Control and End-User Entitlements system
  • Detailed large-scale analytics (For Audience Measurement, Media Analytics, BI)
  • And much more... (For full list of the Kaltura Video Platform Features)

Learn more:

146 questions
1 answer

NGINX open() failed (20: Not a directory) hls vod with secure link module

I have a problem with nginx config for hls streaming. I use kaltura nginx vod module and try to add ngx_http_secure_link_module to protect the stream. The strange thing is I have 404 error if I enable ngx_http_secure_link_module (logs below). I…
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playing HLS on Android (compare alternatives)

I want to discuss about HLS in android and want to learn prices , how to buy them, and your experiences for these players. Vitamio - Standart licence is free but it doesn't support adaptive streaming. Is there anyone…
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Obtaining direct download link for an embedded Kaltura video

I'm looking at some embedded Kaltura videos and trying to obtain a direct download link. For example, here is a link to an embedded…
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java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex.encodeHexString

I am using Kaltura API in my android App. I can use several API calls but each time I am trying to use a method includes in commons-codec-1.4.jar I get error and the App crashes. This is my LogCat: 01-18 19:38:27.863: E/AndroidRuntime(21488): FATAL…
Adi Ohana
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Building Kaltura HTML5 Video Player with AdSupport for VAST/VPAID

I want to use the Kaltura standalone HTML5 player with the VAST/VPAID ad support modules, but I'm at a loss. I'm not at all familiar with the Kaltura architecture, and thought I've found lots of detail and discussion in the Kaltura support…
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How to save HTTPS protocol after proxy_pass to HTTP protocol?

I have 3 docker containers in the same network: Storage (golang) - it provides API for uploading video files. Streamer (nginx) - it streams uploaded files Reverse Proxy (let's call it just Proxy) I have HTTPS protocol between User and Proxy. Let's…
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Kaltura ad not clickable on iOS in fullscreen

I'm developing an AngularJS SPA which displays videos hosted on Kaltura via dynamic embed: window.kWidget.embed({ "targetId": kalturaContainerId, "wid": "_"+$scope.kalturaPartnerId, "uiconf_id":…
1 answer

Nodejs:Path must be a string without null bytes

I am trying to upload video to kaltura,but it is showing below error Uploading file file path /home/alok/Downloads/video.mp4 true upload token added…
Prabjot Singh
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Kaltura Upload Video - Error 413

I am using the Kaltura client library for Android to upload a video. It successfully creates the entry on the server, but when it gets to the point of actually uploading the video file, it fails with Error 413 - Request Entity Too…
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Gradle dependency.. Kaltura Player & Google analytics incompatibility [Android]

So, I´ve been messing around this issue for a day, until I found what it seems to be the problem, but now I can´t figure out how to solve it.. I have a proyect that uses Kaltura player sdk for android…
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How to embed a iframe player in FB's wall?

I been trying to embed a iframe player on FB with OG tags unsuccessfully. But I found that Kaltura player cans. I'been trying to copy what they did, but couldn't make it work. Here and here Kaltura explains how to embed their player in FB.…
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"No Source Video Found" error only with HLS streaming, Kaltura CE 6 and Wowza 4.1

I'm having issues with HLS streaming and the HTML5 mwembed video player. I'm using mwembed v2.29.1.2, Kaltura CE 6.0, and Wowza Streaming Engine 4.1.2. Playing video through the Kaltura flash video player works fine, (streaming through Wowza with…
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how to solve the kwidget not defined in kaltura

I have modified my modified my html5 library to point my kaltura server. Now I am able to play videos as static html webpage. but I tried in my project which is developed using php, it doesn't play the videos in even PC's too. It says kwidget is…
1 answer

Kaltura HTML5 player in iOS and Android

I am working in Kaltura gemini version to stream my videos. I want to play them in PC's and devices. I am able to play the videos in PC's but not able to play the videos in iOS and android devices like iPad and Tablets. I am getting the following…
1 answer

Kaltura Dynamic Embed Player: *Uncaught ReferenceError: kWidget is not defined*

I'm trying to create a simple Kaltura Dynamic Player with a fallback-Function, so I can watch HTML5-Content if it is possible and if not it has to be Flash. This is my code and I think it is just pretty the Default Code from kaltura:
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