I'm developing an AngularJS SPA which displays videos hosted on Kaltura via dynamic embed:

            "targetId": kalturaContainerId,
            "wid": "_"+$scope.kalturaPartnerId,
            "uiconf_id": $scope.kalturaUiconfigId,
            "flashvars":  {
                    "streamerType": "auto",
                    "disableHLSOnJs": "true",
                    "autoPlay": true,
                    "EmbedPlayer.EnableIpadHTMLControls" : false
            "cache_st": Math.random(),
            "entry_id": $scope.video.kalturaEntryId

I switched to "EmbedPlayer.EnableIpadHTMLControls" : false because I didn't get the fullscreen functionality working for a video displayed in a Bootstrap Modal on iPad.

With this configuration, I'm facing the problem, that my ads aren't clickable on iOS in fullscreen mode. If the video/advertisement is running "embedded" in the HTML page, the clickthrough is working, and the correct page is opened in a new browser tab. If the video runs in fullscreen mode, nothing happens on click...

Does anyone have any guess for me, maybe a parameter from http://player.kaltura.com/docs/api which I missed?

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