Questions tagged [kaltura]

Kaltura is an open source VPaaS (Video Platform as a Service). Kaltura is used to power video experiences in the OTT TV (Over the Top TV), OVP (Online Video Platform), and EVP (Enterprise Video Platform) markets as well as AdTech, Education Technology and MOOCs, Distributed Video Surveillance and other innovations with rich media. Kaltura is trusted by many global enterprises, media companies, telcos, service providers and education institutions

Kaltura is an open source VPaaS (Video Platform as a Service). Kaltura is used to power video experiences in the OTT TV (Over the Top TV), OVP (Online Video Platform), and EVP (Enterprise Video Platform) markets as well as AdTech, Education Technology and MOOCs, Distributed Video Surveillance and other innovations with rich media. Kaltura is deployed globally in over 300,000 enterprises, media companies, telcos, service providers and education institutions.

The Kaltura platform was designed to provide all the components needed to support the full media lifecycle with a highly scalable and extensible architecture. Including:

  • Versatile content ingestion options from any device and IP enabled camera
  • High Availability, mission critical Video Management System and Applications, featuring content management, robust search capabilities and mobile apps
  • High performance encoding, support all video, audio, image formats and codecs
  • Industry standards security for systems, content and delivery used and certified by banks, governments, insurance organizations, universities, telecommunications operators and global enterprises including Bank of America, IBM, Oracle, Intel, SAP, AT&T, Philips, HBO, ABC, and many others
  • Flexible metadata, schema and catalog management
  • Robust publishing, distribution and media repurposing management
  • State of the art customizable cross-platform web standards media player with APIs and plugin ecosystem and the fastest load times in the market today
  • Secure and controlled delivery management mechanism, including smart local-network and remote-network storage management capabilities
  • Granular Access Control and End-User Entitlements system
  • Detailed large-scale analytics (For Audience Measurement, Media Analytics, BI)
  • And much more... (For full list of the Kaltura Video Platform Features)

Learn more:

146 questions
1 answer

Kaltura KalturaMetadataListResponse print_r result

I get the following returned result from a print_r of a variable returned from a $metadataPlugin->metadata->listAction($filter, $pager) function. I am trying to echo out the [xml] piece but can't figure out how to do it. KalturaMetadataListResponse…
Blake Plumb
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Accessing Custom Data Fields with Kaltura API version: 3.1.5 and PHP

I have created a custom metadata field called Record Date to my videos, and I am wondering how I can echo this information out when I sort my data by category. Here is a clip of the code I have working so far. $pager = new…
Blake Plumb
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Kaltura's All IN ONE Video plugin for Wordpress: is there any "how to use" documentation?

Kaltura's plugin for Wordpress looks like a great tool. It seems to work to add video to a page while editing the page. But, the video doesn't display once you view the site. Also, there is a button on the post page that says "Add Video Comment".…
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Integrating kaltura search with alfresco share?

I have an alfresco share which has its own simple/advanced search. Also i have kaltura video engine to manage videos. I want to know how can i customize my alfresco search so that i can search kaltura for videos from alfresco share UI without going…
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Kaltura bulk upload using csv file

How to add ssh public key and private key in a csv file for sftp protocol . I want to bulk upload to kaltura using a csv file. I have a video in my kaltura ce4. I want to have pull mechanism to kaltura through sftp transfer protocol. My file url…
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Kaltura Java Client Library on Android

I am writing an Android API level 10 application which captures videos and then uploads them to our Kaltura site. It should be straight forward because Kaltura provides a Java client library (here), and they say to use the Java client library in…
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Sphinx Service is MISSING in Kaltura?

The base problem is that i can't upload anything in the KMC. Then i found there are many problems in the api v3 log. One of them is "Sphinx". Then when i check the "Sphinx", there is no "searchd" service running instance on the server. When i run: ~…
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Adjusting the Play Button Size for the Kaltura Video Player?

I'm having trouble adjusting the size of the play button on an embedded Kultura video. When I embed a video within a smaller container or screen size, the play button is so large that it nearly covers the entire thumbnail on any state. (see…
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webshim mediaelement / kaltura CE / mediaelement.js as platform for developing advanced player

I am trying to develop a custom self-hosted embedable player (Just YT embeds for now, but option for adding media later) with social media buttons, clickable overlays, post-roll options, etc that can be shared in FB timeline cross-browser, etc. I…
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Check kbps and resolution video before upload it to server

I would like to know if there is a way to check kbps and resolution before upload it to server. Note: We are using kaltura service.
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3 answers

regex match patern before and after a underscore

I have a file name convention {referenceId}_{flavor name}.mp4 in kaltura. or if you are familiar with kaltura then tell me the slugRegex i could use for this naming convention that would support pre-encoded file ingestion I have to extract…
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