Questions tagged [ios-keyboard-extension]

Custom keyboards are App Extensions that can run system-wide in iOS 8 and up.

A custom keyboard replaces the system keyboard for users who want capabilities such as a novel text input method or the ability to enter text in a language not otherwise supported in iOS. The essential function of a custom keyboard is simple: Respond to taps, gestures, or other input events and provide text, in the form of an unattributed NSString object, at the text insertion point of the current text input object.

Before iOS 8, developers are able to provide custom keyboards with custom keys within their application only. With iOS 8, Apple has made it possible to create custom keyboards that will be able to be used system wide in other apps. Now it is possible to ship a custom keyboard with iOS app and users will be able to choose it as the keyboard to use for every app that requires text input.


Apple App Extension Programming Guide: Custom Keyboard

177 questions
6 answers

Keyboard extension loses height in iOS 10 when trying to size automatically in some cases

You can download a sample project demonstrating the issue below here: When creating a keyboard extension and not specifying a concrete height for its components but instead anchoring…
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How to use auto suggestion view for custom key-board extension ios8?

How can I implement Apple's predictive input panel in my own iOS8 custom keyboard extension? Apple's Custom Keyboards API Doc Custom Keyboard states: RequestsOpenAccess set BOOL yes in info.plist has access to a basic autocorrection lexicon…
Nitin Gohel
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iOS 14 only issue: images in keyboard extension no longer displays (but works fine in iOS 13)

I have an iOS keyboard extension that displays rows of UIImageViews in a scroll view. Addendum, for clarity: the exact same codebase produces two very different results on two different iOS versions. There is no mention in the iOS 14 release notes…
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iOS - OpenURL from Keyboard extension on iOS 8.3 beta

On my project I used a WebView to open a Container App from Keyboard extension. It worked ok until I tried to run it on iOS 8.3 beta.. On this new iOS version it just do nothing. I tried to use NSExtensionContext and WKWebView - without any success…
1 answer

Back link to previous app from containing app progmatically in case of deeplinks

I created a keyboard extension with a scan button to open a barcode scanner in my containing app. When the scan is completed, it should navigate back to the initial app and the barcode data should be set as text to the textfield that initiated the…
2 answers

iOS 9 - Keyboard displays bundle name as "(null)" on upgrade

I have an iOS keyboard app extension which exists in the app store. Recently, while testing the effects of upgrading the app from version 1.0 to 1.1, I noticed that when I press and hold the globe icon on the standard iOS keyboard, my app's name is…
Vijay Sharma
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2 answers

How to transition to Emoji keyboard from Custom Keyboard when nextKeyboard is pressed

I'm making a custom keyboard and I want to transition directly to emoji keyboard that is provided by Apple when nextKeyboard button is pressed. @IBAction func nextKeyboardPressed(sender: AnyObject) { advanceToNextInputMode() } This…
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1 answer

How to detect host app is in Zoom mode or Normal mode in iPhone 6 Plus?

Assume iPhone 6 Plus display is in standard mode (Settings > Display > View > Standard), the UIInputViewController inputView of a keyboard extension returns different widths depends on whether the host app is optimised for the iPhone 6/iPhone 6 Plus…
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0 answers

Google Maps iOS sdks get error: Background execution would crash in this scenario

I am trying to add a map to my custom keyboard extension. After I tried to add MKMapView in the keyboard, I get immediately crash when the map view showed up. So I am trying to add google map to the keyboard. But out of luck, I am getting…
3 answers

Animating custom keyboard height in iOS 8

I'm trying to increase my custom keyboard' height in an animation with the following code. But I can't figure out why the change occures instantly, ignoring the animation. //In viewDidAppear [self.view needsUpdateConstraints]; [UIView…
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1 answer

Swift 4 & iOS 12: Using keyboard textContentType .newPassword on standalone view controller

I want to use the new iOS 12 keyboard feature for auto generating strong passwords for our users. In the signup progress, the password field appears on its own viewcontroller which only triggers saved password. Inserting an textfield with…
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how share Realm DataBase between App and Keyboard Extension?

I'm trying that a keyboard extension and app are available to read, write the same realm file, my code is: DatabaseHelper class DataBaseHelper { static let DB_VERSION: UInt64 = 1 //MARK: Creates Methods class func createOrUpdateEmoji(_…
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Is it possible to make a custom emoji keyboard in IOS 8

So I've seen a lot of apps that allow you to "make your own emojis" but they actually just make a picture that you can share. Would there be a way for the user to make his own entire keyboard? Let's say of the user adds the app's keyboard in…
1 answer

How does a keyboard extension know that the document proxy has changed?

Keyboard extensions on iOS are subclasses of the UIInputViewController class and have the textDocumentProxy property to interact with the underlying document. The textDocumentProxy object exposes some important traits of the document, like the…
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Add a Language Lexicon to iOS Custom Keyboard for Predictive (Suggestive) Text

I'm Trying to create a custom iOS keyboard. I used the UILexicon class to provide a basic lexicon of words that requestSupplementaryLexiconWithCompletion: method provides. But I want to add the Predictive Text to the keyboard as well. I know that…
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