Questions tagged [ios-keyboard-extension]

Custom keyboards are App Extensions that can run system-wide in iOS 8 and up.

A custom keyboard replaces the system keyboard for users who want capabilities such as a novel text input method or the ability to enter text in a language not otherwise supported in iOS. The essential function of a custom keyboard is simple: Respond to taps, gestures, or other input events and provide text, in the form of an unattributed NSString object, at the text insertion point of the current text input object.

Before iOS 8, developers are able to provide custom keyboards with custom keys within their application only. With iOS 8, Apple has made it possible to create custom keyboards that will be able to be used system wide in other apps. Now it is possible to ship a custom keyboard with iOS app and users will be able to choose it as the keyboard to use for every app that requires text input.


Apple App Extension Programming Guide: Custom Keyboard

177 questions
1 answer

How does Fleksy change the keyboard color without RequestsOpenAccess?

There’s a new Fleksy keyboard release for iOS 8 featuring a keyboard extension. The color of the keyboard extension can be changed from the containing without turning on the RequestsOpenAccess mode (or “Allow Full Access” in the UI). How…
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Detect the Type of Active TextField

I am working on keyboard extension I need to detect the input type of currently active textField. For example if Address textField is active in Message app I need to show "@" button in main screen of keyboard. as in keyboard extension we can't…
Awais Mobeen
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2 answers

Slow Buttons with Custom Keyboard Extension

We made a custom keyboard and uploaded to the App Store, the design and the keyboard works fine. However we get a lot 1-star reviews due to slowness of the buttons. The question is. Is there a way to speed UIButtons up? UIControl's touchUpInside…
1 answer

Run Xcode Instruments on device with a ios keyboard extension

I'm developing a custom keyboard but it's very slow and sometimes it's crashing. Because I'm not sure where it comes from, I'd like to Time Profiler with Instruments. But when I select MyIphone > Keyboard Extension (target), I get: Target failed to…
Marie Dm
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How to Check Full Access Enabled or not for IOS Custom Keyboard extension inside Container App?

Some people suggest setting value to UserDefaults from keyboard extension for this checking. But this procedure requires open the custom keyboard at least once. What about first time? Need a solid solution about this problem.
0 answers

Keyboard Extension not used in iPhone Search?

I have built a keyboard extension and it works as expected in most apps. However, it is not one of the keyboards rotated in iPhone Search bar: Only the system keyboards are there. How can I enable my keyboard extension for the Search bar?
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Regenerating the Bridging-Header and -Swift.h files after project name change

I have previously built a Keyboard extension project that has components of both Swift and Objective C. I'd like to built a new Keyboard app based on my previous app, with the simple goal of changing the name, keyboard UI and some keyboard…
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4 answers

Keyboard extension works in simulator but not on device

I am developing custom keyboard extension. It worked fine in both simulator and device until now. After some small changes (adding import AudioToolbox in one class and one command) it suddenly stopped working on the device. The app compiles and…
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1 answer

UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer doesn't work in a custom keyboard extension

Problem I am unable to use a UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer to recognize edge swipes from the right or left edge of the screen in a custom keyboard extension. I created a new project to test this. Other UIGestureRecognizer's work fine as explained…
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preferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures in keyboard extension doesnt work

I trying to make keyboard extension on SwiftUI. My keyboard uses gestures a lot. But gestures up from keys located near the screen bottom are to be recognized as a system gesture. As it was said here I tried to use…
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iOS Keyboard extension - adding buttons to standard keyboard (system-wide input accessory view)

Based on docs I know that I can implement a custom system-wide keyboard by implementing keyboard extension. However, when working only in application scope, we are recommended to use custom input views. In app-scope, we have an option to implement…
Milan Nosáľ
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iOS Keyboard extension height after rotation

I try to figure out the height of the keyboard-extension view after a rotation (device orientation changed to landscape/horizontal) happened. I use func didRotate(from fromInterfaceOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientation) to find out if a rotation…
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Why iPhone X InputViewController height is like half of system keyboard size?

I am testing custom keyboard extension in iPhone X. I just created a new project with Keyboard extension. As you see in 2 photos , custom keyboard's height is like only a half of system keyboard's height. I don't know why. Is there any way to get…
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2 answers

KeyboardExtension adjustTextPosition issues with emojis

I'm helping build a keyboardextension and I've recently run into an issue with Swift 4 and emojis. The new UTF-16 emoji support for Swift 4 is really nice but there is an issue with adjustTextPosition in UIInputViewController. If we call…
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How to move the layout up when the software keyboard is shown in Xamarin.iOS

I have a UITextField. The soft keyboard covers the UITextField when I click. How can I move the layout up so I want it to show above the keyboard. Thanks in advance.
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