Questions tagged [google-maps-sdk-ios]

The new Google Maps SDK for iOS allows users to view and interact with a Google map in your iOS app.

The new Google Maps SDK for iOS allows users to view and interact with a Google map in your iOS app. With rotation, tilt, 3D buildings and many other features, you can create highly interactive apps for your users.

Google Maps SDK for iOS Documentation

1330 questions
10 answers

AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: androidmapsapi-ZoomTableManager

My app that uses Google Maps SDK (v2) just started crashing with this exception: Process:, PID: 7328 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=1; index=12 at…
1 answer

GMSGroundOverlay animating - should I be using a CATiledLayer?

I am experimenting with the Google Maps for iOS SDK latest version to animate a GMSGroundOverlay. The user has control over the image sequence, so using an animated UIImage isn't a possibility sadly, so i'm loading in the UIImage on the…
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11 answers

Google Maps SDK for iOS requires GoogleMaps.bundle to be part of your target under 'Copy Bundle Resources

When I build a GoogleMaps SDK for iOS,these error occurred. *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'GMSException', reason: 'Google Maps SDK for iOS requires GoogleMaps.bundle to be part of your target under 'Copy Bundle…
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1 answer

GMSPolyline very large memory spike

In a GPS app that allows the user to display a list of complex location points that we call tracks on various different types of map, each track can consist of between 2k to 10k of location points. The tracks are copiously clipped, pruned and…
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4 answers

Custom Info Window for Google Maps

I'd like to make a custom Info Window for Google Maps for iOS like the photo below. Is it possible to extend GMSOverlay like GMSMarker, GMSPolyline, and GMSPolygon do to create custom graphics?
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10 answers

iOS, How to use GMSCoordinateBounds to show all the markers of the map?

I want to show all the markers that are on my map, after doing some searches I found that it should be done with GMSCoordinateBounds (Google Maps SDK) I've read the official documentation about it, but I have not understand how to use it and…
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10 answers

Cannot put a google maps GMSMapView in a subview of main main view?

I'm struggling with this problem! I want to add a google maps GMSMapView into a UIView that is only a portion of the main UIView of my ViewController. It should be simple... I created with the storyboard a UIView of the size I want and put it in the…
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3 answers

Marker clustering with google maps SDK for iOS?

I am using Google Maps SDK in my iOS app, and I need to group markers which are very close to each other - basically need to use marker clustering like its shown in the attached url. I am able to get this functionality in the Android maps SDK, but I…
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7 answers

How can I add a 3d object as a marker on Google Maps like Uber does

I want to add a 3d marker for showing cars on map with rotation like Uber does but I can't find any information on adding 3d objects on Google Maps SDK for iOS. Would appreciate any help. Apparently no one is seeing what OP and I are seeing so…
Tolgahan Arıkan
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11 answers

Google Maps iOS SDK, Getting Directions between 2 locations

While I am using Google Maps SDK, I am trying to get driving direction between two locations on iOS. I know we can do this using two methods:- 1.) Using URL Scheme, for which it is necessary that Google Maps App is installed on your device. 2.)…
Amit Singh
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5 answers

How to fit bounds for coordinate array with google maps sdk for iOS?

How to fit bounds for coordinate array with google maps sdk for iOS? I need to zoom map for 4 visible markers.
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20 answers

Google Maps not working on iPhone simulator

I've implemented the "Getting the Google Maps SDK for iOS" step by step finally the simulator running ok no errors found but the map has no details except the marker. As showing in the picture: Also the output on the bottom has this…
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8 answers

How to show a Info window in iOS Google maps without tapping on Marker?

I am new to iOS development. This is regarding Marker info window in Google Maps iOS SDK. I understand, we can create a marker with info window using GMSMarkerOption. GMSMarkerOption *myLocationOption = [GMSMarkerOption alloc]; myLocationOption…
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4 answers

Controlling Animation Duration in Google Maps for iOS

The documentation for Google Maps for iOS states that: Call one of several methods that allow you to animate the camera moving to a new location. You can control the duration of the animation with CoreAnimation. For the life of me, I can't figure…
Colin Phillips
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2 answers

GoogleMaps without CocoaPods

I would like to add GoogleMaps to my iOS project but I don't want to use CocoaPods. Is there any way to achieve that?
Sandah Aung
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