Questions tagged [intel]

For issues related to Intel semiconductor chips and assemblies, Intel architectural features and ISA extensions, and Intel chips micro-architecture.

Intel Corporation is an American multinational semiconductor chip maker corporation headquartered in Santa Clara, California, United States. Intel is the inventor of the x86 processor architecture and makes central processing units, motherboard chipsets, graphic processing units, network interface controllers and much more devices related to communications and computing.

In addition to their hardware offerings Intel also produces a variety of software including compilers, libraries for mathematical computation(Intel MKL), threading(OpenMP, Intel Performance Primatives, Threading Building Blocks), parallel communication(MPI,OFED/True Scale Infiniband Stack) and several other products included in the Intel Parallel Studio toolkit. In addition to these offerings which are widely used in HPC Intel also produces software for datacenter management and is one of the most prolific contributors to the Linux kernel.

This tag should be used for questions about Intel hardware and software.

The x86 and/or x86-64 tags are better choices for questions about assembly programming for the architecture, rather than things like performance tuning specifically for Intel's implementation of x86.

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3087 questions
19 answers

Error in launching AVD with AMD processor

I have Windows 8.1 pro with an AMD processor. I installed the Android SDK and Eclipse. It works but the problem is that when I Create AVD and launch it shows this error: emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration! …
Jitesh Gaikwad
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25 answers


I tried to install my app into Android L Preview Intel Atom Virtual Device, it failed with error: INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS What does it mean?
Peter Zhao
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4 answers

Deoptimizing a program for the pipeline in Intel Sandybridge-family CPUs

I've been racking my brain for a week trying to complete this assignment and I'm hoping someone here can lead me toward the right path. Let me start with the instructor's instructions: Your assignment is the opposite of our first lab assignment,…
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16 answers

Running the new Intel emulator for Android

Lately Google and Intel have published a new way to run the emulator, which should work much better than the previous version (which has emulated ARM CPU). Here are some links about it: this and this. However, after installing the new components and…
android developer
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25 answers

Emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration

I tried to run my Hello World application in Android Studio. I got the following error: Emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration! Please ensure Intel HAXM is properly installed and usable. CPU acceleration status: HAX…
Mark wealse
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3 answers

How do you use gcc to generate assembly code in Intel syntax?

The gcc -S option will generate assembly code in AT&T syntax, is there a way to generate files in Intel syntax? Or is there a way to convert between the two?
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34 answers

How do I fix "Failed to sync vcpu reg" error?

I'm trying to use the Intel HAX x86 emulator for Windows (8, if that matters). I installed everything and created an AVD for the android version, and everything appears correct, but when I run it, I get this output: Starting emulator for AVD…
Joshua Frank
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17 answers

Intel HAXM installation error - This computer does not support Intel Virtualization Technology (VT-x)

I have an issue with my HAXM installation. Here is the thing. I got this error every single time I tried to install HAXM for my computer: Problem is, that my computer supports Virtualization Technology (see pic below). Any idea how to fix this…
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28 answers

I can't install intel HAXM

I installed Android Studio and I had no problems with that. However, when I tried to run the emulator, it said that Intel HAXM was not installed. So I found the installer, ran it, and it even though it said my laptop supports it, that it was not…
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8 answers

Is there a compiler hint for GCC to force branch prediction to always go a certain way?

For the Intel architectures, is there a way to instruct the GCC compiler to generate code that always forces branch prediction a particular way in my code? Does the Intel hardware even support this? What about other compilers or hardwares? I would…
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6 answers

Why does Intel hide internal RISC core in their processors?

Starting with Pentium Pro (P6 microarchitecture), Intel redesigned it's microprocessors and used internal RISC core under the old CISC instructions. Since Pentium Pro all CISC instructions are divided into smaller parts (uops) and then executed by…
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1 answer

C code loop performance [continued]

This question continues on my question here (on the advice of Mystical): C code loop performance Continuing on my question, when i use packed instructions instead of scalar instructions the code using intrinsics would look very similar: for(int…
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3 answers

What is Intel microcode?

From what I've read it's used to fix bugs in the CPU without modifying the BIOS. From my basic knowledge of Assembly I know that assembly instructions are split into microcodes internally by the CPU and executed accordingly. But intel somehow gives…
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2 answers

fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable

I tried installing Intel MPI Benchmark on my computer and I got this error: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable Then I received this error again when I ran ls and top command. What is causing this error? Configuration of my machine: Dell…
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3 answers

Why is the loop instruction slow? Couldn't Intel have implemented it efficiently?

LOOP (Intel ref manual entry) decrements ecx / rcx, and then jumps if non-zero. It's slow, but couldn't Intel have cheaply made it fast? dec/jnz already macro-fuses into a single uop on Sandybridge-family; the only difference being that that sets…
Peter Cordes
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