Questions tagged [intel]

For issues related to Intel semiconductor chips and assemblies, Intel architectural features and ISA extensions, and Intel chips micro-architecture.

Intel Corporation is an American multinational semiconductor chip maker corporation headquartered in Santa Clara, California, United States. Intel is the inventor of the x86 processor architecture and makes central processing units, motherboard chipsets, graphic processing units, network interface controllers and much more devices related to communications and computing.

In addition to their hardware offerings Intel also produces a variety of software including compilers, libraries for mathematical computation(Intel MKL), threading(OpenMP, Intel Performance Primatives, Threading Building Blocks), parallel communication(MPI,OFED/True Scale Infiniband Stack) and several other products included in the Intel Parallel Studio toolkit. In addition to these offerings which are widely used in HPC Intel also produces software for datacenter management and is one of the most prolific contributors to the Linux kernel.

This tag should be used for questions about Intel hardware and software.

The x86 and/or x86-64 tags are better choices for questions about assembly programming for the architecture, rather than things like performance tuning specifically for Intel's implementation of x86.

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3087 questions
1 answer

With the x86 chips, are there any INT instructions other than with 0x80?

I know Linux provide int 0x80 for trapping into a system call but are there any others and what are their uses?
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1 answer

Issue while running exe from VBS script using Nsclient

I have written a vbs script for the intel cpu vulnerability which runs completely OK when I run it manually from command line or by double clicking it. We have an NSClient/git infra across all servers which is used by nagios to create checks and I…
Aditya Pednekar
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3 answers

Am I doing something wrong, or do Intel graphic cards suck so bad?

I have VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 10) on Ubuntu 10.10 Linux. I'm rendering statically one VBO per frame. This VBO has 30,000 triangles, with 3 lights and one texture, and I'm…
1 answer

Advice for interpreting an assembly function's behavior

I am relatively new to assembly and came across a function that has me stumped. In the course of debugging I found the $rdi register was initially set to 0x55555575a1b8. Essentially, I am looking to return a value of anything, but a negative value…
The Pineapple
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0 answers

Directory in intel sourcechecker constantly updates

We have an intel compiler installed. Its location is something like: /opt/intel/composer_xe_2011_/ The compilers work great--no issues with that. The problem I'm seeing is that there are two directories in particular that update every…
The Spartan
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2 answers

Intel HAXM install hangs on macOS Sierra

I'm trying to install HAXM 6.2.1 on a MacBook Pro running MacOS Sierra, but the installer hangs. Attempting to install via the GUI .dmg, the dialog "This package will run a program to determine if the software can be installed" appears. I click…
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1 answer

MSR performance in x2APIC

As we know in x2APIC we use MSR instead of MMIO which is used by xAPIC. But according to my testing, I found that the speed of MSR access is much slower than MMIO. For example, in my environment I wrote a simple test case as below: static…
0 answers

Detecting an illegal instruction opcode on Intel PIN

I am writing a Pin tool where I want to detect an instruction with a particular opcode. I have an executable from a sample C program where I am printing hello world. The architecture used is x86_64 and I have the trace of assembly instructions in…
Rohit Poduri
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1 answer

Assembly testq and cmovg instruction

What does the following do? testq %rdx, %rdx cmovg %rcx, %rax I understand that testq is a bitwise and between two registers, but how does it works with the flags? What would this translate into in c? e.g. if %rdx would hold value 0x01, then…
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0 answers

Compute with intel offload gfx not working

I have written a skeletonize function already. It is running well on CPU but when I try to offload to intel graphics card, it returns no data or doesn't even return any value. What am I doing wrong? I am using C++, OpenCV and Intel parallels…
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2 answers

compiling C++ code with intel compiler on Mac error: expected an identifier

My laptop can not compile a simple c++ code since yesterday, it works perfectly fine before. The c++ code is can be a hello-world code in main.cpp file. #include using namespace std; int main(int argc, char** argv) { cout<<"Hello…
Hao Shi
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1 answer

OpenGL-Intel 630 GPU -Ubuntu 16.04 failed to render simple triangle

I have written a simple openGL code to render a triangle, it is compiled successfully but failed to render triangle. Only create a window as such there is no error return by glGetError() api call. Same code works fine on AMD R9 GPU. Driver…
3 answers

Detect i3/i5/i7 Intel Core Family at runtime

I'm trying to detect if the current process is running on an Intel Core of the family i3/i5 or i7, if possible with GetSystemInfo/GetNativeSystemInfo and SYSTEM_INFO. I did find some exhaustive code of all possible CPU detection using CPUID &…
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0 answers

Architecture of IMCs(Integrated Memory Controllers) in latest Intel processors

I have been looking into Xeon architecture for a server application. I saw that Xeon supports Quad channel architecture with 3 DIMMs per channel. I have attached a page from Intel's Xeon datasheet. I got this from…
2 answers

Usage of AVX512-CD

I am currently working with the KNL and try to understand the new opportunities of AVX512. Besides the extended register side, AVX512 comes along with new instruction sets. The conflict detection seems to be promising. The…
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