I tried installing Intel MPI Benchmark on my computer and I got this error:

fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable

Then I received this error again when I ran ls and top command.

What is causing this error?

Configuration of my machine:

Dell precision T7500
Scientific Linux release 6.2 (Carbon)
Matthias Braun
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2 Answers2


This is commonly caused by running out of file descriptors.

There is the systems total file descriptor limit, what do you get from the command:

sysctl fs.file-nr

This returns counts of file descriptors:

<in_use> <unused_but_allocated> <maximum>

To find out what a users file descriptor limit is run the commands:

sudo su - <username>
ulimit -Hn

To find out how many file descriptors are in use by a user run the command:

sudo lsof -u <username> 2>/dev/null | wc -l

So now if you are having a system file descriptor limit issue you will need to edit your /etc/sysctl.conf file and add, or modify it it already exists, a line with fs.file-max and set it to a value large enough to deal with the number of file descriptors you need and reboot.

fs.file-max = 204708
Mark Lakata
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Another possibility is too many threads. We just ran into this error message when running a test harness against an app that uses a thread pool. We used

watch -n 5 -d "ps -eL <java_pid> | wc -l"

to watch the ongoing count of Linux native threads running within the given Java process ID. After this hit about 1,000 (for us--YMMV), we started getting the error message you mention.

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    When I tested, `ps -eL` worked for showing all processes and `ps -L ` worked for showing processes regarding the ``. `ps -eL ` just shows all processes regardless of the ``. – Sanghyun Lee Jul 01 '16 at 09:51
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    @Willie Wheeler What did you do to overcome the thread limit? I have been searching and testing numerous solutions found online, to no avail, for DAYS. Nothing will allow more than 1k threads, except for a restart of systemd-logind, which lasts for about an hour before the errors start again! – Brandon Elliott Jul 27 '16 at 04:00
  • Machines have finite resources. If you are hitting a limit, use fewer threads (e.g. controlled with thread pool) or else more machines. –  Sep 21 '16 at 15:41
  • I restarted my rails server – thedanotto Nov 30 '16 at 00:48
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    1000 threads isn't a lot though – frankster Jun 06 '17 at 10:49