Questions tagged [intel]

For issues related to Intel semiconductor chips and assemblies, Intel architectural features and ISA extensions, and Intel chips micro-architecture.

Intel Corporation is an American multinational semiconductor chip maker corporation headquartered in Santa Clara, California, United States. Intel is the inventor of the x86 processor architecture and makes central processing units, motherboard chipsets, graphic processing units, network interface controllers and much more devices related to communications and computing.

In addition to their hardware offerings Intel also produces a variety of software including compilers, libraries for mathematical computation(Intel MKL), threading(OpenMP, Intel Performance Primatives, Threading Building Blocks), parallel communication(MPI,OFED/True Scale Infiniband Stack) and several other products included in the Intel Parallel Studio toolkit. In addition to these offerings which are widely used in HPC Intel also produces software for datacenter management and is one of the most prolific contributors to the Linux kernel.

This tag should be used for questions about Intel hardware and software.

The x86 and/or x86-64 tags are better choices for questions about assembly programming for the architecture, rather than things like performance tuning specifically for Intel's implementation of x86.

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3087 questions
1 answer

Byte in x86 intel assembly padded with NOPs?

When working with single bytes, should 4 byte alignment be taken into account? Intel x86 pseudocode. At the beginning of a 4096 byte page: PAGEADDRESS: 01 NOP NOP NOP <- 3 NOPs necessary? cmp byte ptr [PAGEADDRESS], 01 je ADDRESS …
1 answer

Accessing underprivileged stack by weakening the CPL with RPL in intel microprocessor

As far as I know, when we want to access a stack segment, the DPL of the descriptor should be equal to max(RPL,CPL) where RPL is of the SS segment register, and CPL means current privilege level. So can we access an underprivileged stack by…
Preetom Saha Arko
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1 answer

RPL of CS while transferring control to a conforming code segment in intel microprocessor

RPL of CS doesn't always match with the DPL of a conforming code segment. But shouldn't it always match with the DPL of the calling code segment (the code from where the control has been transferred) ? And what will happen with the RPL bits when we…
Preetom Saha Arko
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0 answers

Artoolkit v6. Fatal signal 4 (SIGILL), code 2. Crash on intel processors using x86 architecture (Asus zenfone 2 ZE551ML)

ARToolkit v6.0 crashes on my phone (Asus Zenfone 2 ZE551ML) where the previous v5 used to work fine. I am guessing the issue is related to my phone's architecture that uses Intel chips (x86). I have tried on other phones with different architecture…
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1 answer

glUseProgram() GL_INVALID_OPERATION 1282 on Ubuntu Gnome 17.04 Intel HD4000

I'm trying to learn openGL 3.0 by following the example on (It just draws a coloured rectangle on the screen). I am using SDL2.0.5 and glew 2.0.0 with VS2015 community and it works perfectly on my i5 skylake HD4000 laptop…
0 answers

PEBS sampling from kernel module

I want to enable Intel's PEBS sampling from a loadable kernel module and handle some cases in the PEBS handler from that kernel module. I know that I can use PAPI from user space, but I'm not sure how I can enable PEBS sampling and register a…
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1 answer

Assembly SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault

I have 4 variables in SEGMENT .DATA Array A Array B Array C Arrays size My goal is to multiply i-th element of A with i-th element of B and the result goes to i-th element of array C. I am using SASM with NASM compiler, intel x86 here is my…
Bahaa Zahika
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0 answers

OpenCL beignet 1.3.1-2 fails with the error: drm_intel_gem_bo_context_exec() failed: No space left on device

I recently have restarted to program in OpenCL and faced a beignet related error when I run the program like below: /* Hello World for OpenCL How to compile: : c++ hello.cpp -lOpenCL */ #define CL_USE_DEPRECATED_OPENCL_1_2_APIS #include…
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1 answer

Communicate with Arduino using 8086 assembly language

I need to use 8086 assembly language to connect with Arduino in my assignment. When I run the assembly program, the buzzer will sound. I run the assembly program using DOSBox. int buzzer = 11; int val; void setup() { pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT); …
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1 answer

When using a 32-bit register to address memory in the real mode, contents of the register must never exceed 0000FFFFH. Why?

I have found this in the book "THE INTEL MICROPROCESSORS" of Barry B. Brey. Is it true? But why? I know that in the real mode of actual 8086 microprocessor, there is no 32 bit register. So the same restriction should be imposed on 32 bit registers…
Preetom Saha Arko
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1 answer

Is Store Unit Also a Load Unit on an Intel processor?

Most Intel Processors have 2 load units and 1 store unit. Is store unit also a load unit? Are the instructions / micro-ops to modify existing memory data like inc [memory] just utilize 1 store unit and the remaining 2 load units are available for…
Maxim Masiutin
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1 answer

Android Things: Intel Edison: Using USB and Debugging

Has anyone had any luck using USB debugging with an Edison while also using a USB peripheral? It looks like you have to use the switch to activate the bigger USB port, which also cuts off the debugging port. I'm trying to use a USB camera, but can't…
Paul Ruiz
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1 answer

Confusion about file formats for Intel Fortran files

I am working on a project that was given to me by someone else. This project compiles using the ifort compiler and contains a ton of fortran .FOR files written in seemingly free- format. Recently I have been studying fortran code formats in a little…
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0 answers

loop was not vectorized: loop control variable was not identified

Unfortunately the Intel compiler was unable to vectorize the following i and j loops: #pragma ivdep #pragma vector always for ( i = 1 ; i < N ; i++ ){ // <- not vectorized for ( j = 0 ; j < i ; j++ ){ // <- not vectorized // Matrix…
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1 answer

Keyboard buffer in Intel Assembly

I'm having trouble managing "keyboard overflows" on Intel Assembly. The main issue is that after reading the maximum size specified by the read call, the remaining data is throw in the terminal. I'm using Linux on the x64 architecture. This is in…
Nick LeBlanc
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