Questions tagged [har]

har is the HTTP Archive format that can be used by HTTP monitoring tools to export collected data.

har, the HTTP Archive format, is adopted by browsers and tools to persist network analysis data captured (collected) monitoring the page activity (i.e. to see what resources a web page is using, bandwidth and cache usage, and so on). har files (HTTP tracing logs) can be processed by specific statistical software or visualized by tools such as for example harviewer. See also the HAR 1.2 Specification

166 questions
1 answer

How to remove Cookie value from HAR file before sharing it with another person

It's common to diagnose web app with HAR file especially when seeking technical support from another person. However, HAR file contains sensitive info like request cookies. For example, if following this guide, it could share cookie values to…
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How to access the data of .har file with JSON format?

I have a .har file which I generated from a website. I think that a .har file is a JSON object (from the search i did on the web) and i want to access some specific data, like the serverIPAddress, startedDateTime and some mores. The question is how…
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2 answers

How to parse HAR file to extract text content?

I saved my network data in a har file. Now I want to extract the whole dictionary of content that contains specific word as an indicator to save that dictionary to an array. There are multiple similar dicts in the har file that contain that value…
alias micheal
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How can I get the real page load time (after reloading) using puppeteer?

I have some problems with the page load time when I reload the page. Steps to create an har : context = await this.browser.createIncognitoBrowserContext() const page = await context.newPage() page.setCacheEnabled([false]) await page.goto(url,…
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Chrome Browser HAR File incomplete

I downloaded a HAR but it does not contain data from third party trackers such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter. I can see the files load on the network tab buy they are not included in the HAR file when I dowload it. Does anyone know why this…
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dotnet core C# Selenium get the details from the chrome developer tools Network tab?

I am using dotnet core C# and selenium to load pages and run some tests. I want to get the details that are displayed in the chrome developer tool network tab. The list of resources that are loaded and the size and path for each resource, and be…
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How to decode request content from BrowserMobProxy's har?

I'm trying to get some data from facebook by using python3, seleniumwire, haralyzer, chromedriver and browsermobproxy. When I run broswermobproxy with that options: har_options = {'captureHeaders': True, 'captureContent': True,…
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C# - Why does BrowserMob.GetHar() only return 1 entry?

I am writing some simple C# code to try automatically getting HAR file from Chrome browser. I am using browser-mob-proxy and there is a function: GetHar() which is supposed to return some different entries of URL, request and response time, etc.…
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BrowserUP Proxy Server does not collect all pages

I use BrowserUP to create a HAR File from my test and it seems that the pages are not logged propperly. if i go to and search something and i save the har manually in the browser i get multiple pages in the har. example: "pages": [ …
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How to write HAR File for BrowserUp Proxy HAR-Object

I trace my HTTP-requests with BrowserUp ( Proxy and get a HAR Object from the Server. Sadly BrowserUp does not contain a method to write this Object to File, which is why i use the same Method as…
1 answer

Export HAR file using chrome QUIC protocol (HTTPS)

I am trying to export HAR file using Chrome and QUIC through python. QUIC protocol using TLS1.3 - so i can only use the protocol with the client certificate I found this answer (use a proxy server) but the proxy doesn't have the client certificate…
Yoav Henig
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HAR incomplete when using BrowserMob Proxy in an Extension for Arquillian Drone

I wrote an extension for Arquillian-Drone that is supposed to record the HTTP-Requests of the Test and create a HAR-File for each method. The HAR Files are created ( well most of the time ... it seems to be a bit unstable at the moment), but they…
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what the parameters efg and _nc_cat mean?

I am debugging the videos of Facebook with Google DevTools and I have extracted this URL from a…
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How to read a website &save har data iteratively(I have CSV file with 1000 URLS-but can't save files with unique name

Aim of this project: test 10 adblocker in browser's plug-in,and run in 1000 retrieve 1000 har data for 1 adblocker. so total data set will be 10X1000(test data)+1000 (original data) = 11000. The script run smoothly in reading 1 urls and save 1.har.…
0 answers

Download HAR file using script from Chrome

I want to download the HAR file containing all the resources information that the browser downloads for a particular site. Currently, I am opening a webpage on Chrome through Python Script. Now, I want my script to automatically download HAR file…
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