Questions tagged [har]

har is the HTTP Archive format that can be used by HTTP monitoring tools to export collected data.

har, the HTTP Archive format, is adopted by browsers and tools to persist network analysis data captured (collected) monitoring the page activity (i.e. to see what resources a web page is using, bandwidth and cache usage, and so on). har files (HTTP tracing logs) can be processed by specific statistical software or visualized by tools such as for example harviewer. See also the HAR 1.2 Specification

166 questions
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Browsermob Proxy + Watir not capturing traffic continuously

I have the BrowserMob Proxy set up correctly with Watir and it is capturing traffic and saving the HAR file; however, what it's not doing is that it's not capturing the traffic continuously. So following is what I'm trying to achieve: Go to…
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I get an empty file for .har

I was always able to generate a .har file to help devs for troubleshooting issues. But recently I just get an empty file for that! P.S. I use Chrome.
0 answers

How to save har file in json extension

I'm trying to save har file in json format. ?However i'm getting parsing exception when i do that. I'm able to save in .json format but when i check the json format online i'm getting parser error. Any advise on this would be helpful. Please find my…
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browsermob har file precision

I'm using browsermob with selenium to create a har file then trying to analyze the file. Looking in the file I'm getting timing like: 'startedDateTime': '2016-05-31T14:37:06.752-06:00' This is great and all but I'd like more precision, out to the…
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HTTP Archive format for Servicestack Services

Is there any quick way to automatically generate HAR for ServiceStack Services to be used for API Documentation tools like API Embed?
0 answers

HAR file logging with ELK stack

Has anyone had any success visualizing .HAR (httparchive) files in Kibana? Har files seem to be in json format, hoping there is a shortcut there but just guessing. I am pretty new to to the ELK stack. Curious if anyone had any attempts or successes…
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Why does netsniff.js print javascript errors into the output?

I use the netsniff.js like this: phantomjs --ignore-ssl-errors=true --ssl-protocol=any netsniff.js > t.out When netsniff is done, I open file t.out in my text editor and I see the JS bugs like this: TypeError: 'undefined' is…
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HAR entry response content

How can i get the content of a network request in the form of a HAR entry in javaScript? (entries) { entries.getContent(function(content, encoding){ }); }
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How to generate HTML UI(Firebug show) using .HAR file

Is there any open source utility in which I can input any .HAR files and can get output like firebug shows. I have created .HAR file using Phantom.js, now I want to represent content of .HAR file to end user using .HTML files
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Analysing Incoming Network Traffic with PhantomJS

My goal is to connect to a website using PhantomJS and print incoming network traffic to an output file in HAR format. Using the netsniff.js example, I can record all network traffic when first loading a site but I do not know how to capture further…
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Using browsermob concurrently

i am using testng, selenium-grid to run selenium tests in parallel with browsermob proxy. I could have up to 100k tests in total run in parallel mode by batches of 10 tests (default testng parallel behaviour). As soon as tests are run in parallel I…
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Unable to load resource due to SSL certificates using Selenium Webdriver with BrowserMob proxy to capture har file

I'm using Selenium Webdriver (Chromedriver) in Java, along with BrowserMob Proxy Server to capture HTTP traffic in a har file. I recently encountered a problem where sections of the website would not load, and I've narrowed it down to this…
Sara G
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How to get Total Page Load time from Har File

I am using HarLib to read Har Files from within my Java project. The example provided on the site helps to get the time taken to load each request. How do I get the total Load time for a Web Page. The OnLoad time will not help me as I have XHR…
1 answer

Sending a HAR file saved on Chrome via Java

A HAR file can be saved in Chrome opening Developer Tools (Ctrl+Shift+J), then clicking on the Network Tab, then finally right clicking and choosing save entry as HAR. After downloading this, how can I send a HTTP request using this file as input in…
Julio Rodrigues
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Chrome extension, getting devtools HAR data

Is it possible to get the HAR (HTTP Archive) for a page from the google chrome extension? I want to get how long it takes to load a website with my plugin.
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