Questions tagged [har]

har is the HTTP Archive format that can be used by HTTP monitoring tools to export collected data.

har, the HTTP Archive format, is adopted by browsers and tools to persist network analysis data captured (collected) monitoring the page activity (i.e. to see what resources a web page is using, bandwidth and cache usage, and so on). har files (HTTP tracing logs) can be processed by specific statistical software or visualized by tools such as for example harviewer. See also the HAR 1.2 Specification

166 questions
12 answers

How do I view / replay a chrome network debugger har file saved with content?

I love the network debugger, that being said, what programs are out there that let me step forward and backward through multiple 'hars' so I can replay them? if the 'hars' are saved with content, can the replay handle that as well? right now I just…
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How to capture all requests made by page in webdriver? Is there any alternative to Browsermob?

I am using Selenium2/WebDriver to test my web applications. All the tests are written in Java and run with Maven. While opening a page with webdriver I'd like to capture all the requests made by page (images, js and css files, etc). I use this data…
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Automatize HAR files generation from Google Chrome

Basically what I need is a way to automatize the result of the following operations: open a new tab; open the Network tab in the developer tools; load an URL; select "Save All as HAR". Often, proposed solutions involves the use of PhantomJS,…
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1 answer

How to serialize requests Response object as HAR

I want to serialize a requests Response object as json, preferably in HAR format. import requests resp = requests.get('') har = to_har(resp) # <--- magic but couldnt find anything online with my google-fu powers. it seems…
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How to repeat Chrome requests as curl commands?

For some automated tests that I did, I had to record requests from Chrome, and then repeat them in curl commands. I start checking how to do it...
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5 answers

How to import HAR file to excel

I have to know some informations about documents loaded by a browser (e.g. chrome ) for that inspect element is good choise. Now I have to import data to an excel. Inspect element allow to save data as .har ( http archive) file. How I can save…
Hafiz Muhammad Shafiq
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Can a har file be programmatically generated from headless chrome using Puppeteer?

I would like to control a headless chrome instance using puppeteer, taking snapshots and clicking on various page elements, while capturing a har file. Is this possible? I have looked at the API but haven't found anything useful.
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1 answer

Filter and save back HAR Files

Background I am working on a tool that would let users upload HAR files and keep replaying them over and over and gather analytics, like average speed over time, service availability etc. I already have core code in place here, that takes Har…
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6 answers

Is there any way to automatically generate har files?

I'm trying to automate page load time testing. I'm imagining running a cron job every couple hours that will load various pages from my website, retrieve the associated har files, and process the data. The part I can't figure out is how to…
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Chrome HAR File size limitation

Environment Windows 10 Chrome Version 66.0.3359.181 (Official Build) (64-bit) Problem at hand For debugging purpose, I log network traffic and save it as a HAR file. When the resulting HAR file is large ( > ~12Mb ) it's content is truncated,…
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Node.js Proxy with custom Http(s) Agent and Connect.js Middleware

I've put together a proxy server in Node that needs the ability to tunnel https requests over tls and that all works. Using the the following two packages this was extremely easy to setup: proxy, https-proxy-agent. My issue is that I'm trying to…
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1 answer

Extracting HTTP responses from HAR file to filesystem

Is there a tool that can extract documents that appear in HTTP responses and dump them to the filesystem, ideally using path and filenames from the original HTTP requests?
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3 answers

Detail procedure to generate a har file from a given url via command line tool

Could anybody advise how to generate a har file from given a url via command line in linux? Detail tools used and guidelines are much appreciated. Thanks
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How to get redirect chain with selenium if I must directly click on banners and open it on another tab?

I am working on a project, in which I should click banners and get redirect chains. In order not to get my page override and to make it easier for next step, I thought I should ctrl+click on banners and make it open in another browser tab to get all…
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1 answer

How to retrieve the "Initiator" field from the devtools Network panel with Selenium?

I'm trying to extract all the URL network requests from a website and establish a relationship of hierarchy between them i.e. if one URL request is generating another request. Something like a chain of requests. As you know, in the Network panel,…
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