Questions tagged [har]

har is the HTTP Archive format that can be used by HTTP monitoring tools to export collected data.

har, the HTTP Archive format, is adopted by browsers and tools to persist network analysis data captured (collected) monitoring the page activity (i.e. to see what resources a web page is using, bandwidth and cache usage, and so on). har files (HTTP tracing logs) can be processed by specific statistical software or visualized by tools such as for example harviewer. See also the HAR 1.2 Specification

166 questions
1 answer

How to Import files to HDFS as HAR archive? in Java

Currently we are importing files into HDFS by invoking the the org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.moveFromLocalFile() method in the FileSystem API of hadoop, now we are encountering some large heap size in our namenode due to the number of small files…
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