Questions tagged [arquillian-drone]

The Arquillian Drone extension for Arquillian provides a simple way how to include functional tests for your application with a web-based user interface.

The Arquillian Drone extension for Arquillian provides a simple way how to include functional tests for your application with a web-based user interface.Arquillian Drone brings the power of WebDriver into the Arquillian framework. WebDriver provides a language how to communicate with a browser, like filling the forms, navigating on the pages and validating their content.

55 questions
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Refind WebElement which class removed at click event

I have an element with a class a. So, in Selenium code I am getting with this: WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".a")); Afterwards I am clicking on it with;. The click event removes the class a from the element…
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Chromedriver set single accept language

I am using the ChromeDriver with java and the arquillian drone Framework to test the localization of our webpage. To test the behavior on unsupported locales set in the browser we set the chromes locale via the command line argument: --lang=it The…
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"Unable to retrieve Drone Instance within 60 seconds"

I am learning Java EE 7 using a German book called Workshop Java EE 7, which basically takes one by the hand to build a running sample application. In the second "iteration" of the book, integration tests are being defined (GitHub branch). However,…
1 answer

Why does my Arquillian Drone functional test not work on GitLab CI?

A test which runs fine locally fails on's GitLab CI shared runners (the MCVE is at, the log at because during the…
Karl Richter
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Is it possible to use Arquillian Graphene without using Arquillian container management and deployment?

I have a quite big set of Selenium driven UI tests, that are very cumbersome to maintain. I've read about Arquillian Graphene and its benefits, making life with Selenium less painfull. I wonder if it's possible to use Arquillian Graphene (2)…
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How to use a Maven ear artifact in Arquillian functional testing?

All examples I've encountered so far use Arquillian's @Deployment(testable = false) public static Archive createDeployment() to build their own WebArchive or EnterpriseArchive which allows to test parts of the application in a quick and isolated…
Karl Richter
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Unable to pass DesiredCapabilities from arquillian.xml with selenium grid

Unable to pass DesiredCapabilities from arquillian.xml with selenium grid ${gridhubaddress} true true
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How do i pass the browser from test to test with Arquillian Drone and Graphene

I'm trying out Arquillian Drone and Graphene and I have the following 2 tests what i want to do is have the second test use the browser from the first tests. but the browser closes after the first test finishes - is there a way to pass the browser…
1 answer

Unable to connect to Firefox using Arquillian Drone

I am following the documentation located here. My goal is to integrate Drone into my client tests. Here is an example of my code: @Test @RunAsClient public void testSomething(@Drone final FirefoxDriver driver) throws Exception { final String url…
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How to use Arquillian Graphene 2 with ChromeDriver

How do I use Graphene 2 with different browsers such as Chrome? (Default htmlUnit does not work well for me.) Having Wildfly 8.1 server running inside Arquillian container, I'd like to use Drone + Graphene to execute actual…
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Missing Jacoco Code Coverage and IncompatibleClassChangeError

I have a maven project with some Arquillian Tests (Drone/Graphene Tests included). When I build my project using maven all my Arquillian Tests that use Graphene and Drone or Warp will fail with following exception Running…
1 answer

Using Arquillian Drone with Selenium Grid

I have created a suite of functional UI tests for my web based application using Arquillian Done which I would like to run on a Selenium Grid as opposed to running them locally. The problem I've got that despite setting the host/port details for the…
0 answers

java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer: Provider org.omnifaces.ApplicationInitializer not found

My problem probably looks like duplicate of this question. (But I don't consider the answer posted there as its solution) ie. when Omnifaces-2.1 dependency is added into my application's POM, then the Arquillian-Drone testing on Wildfly 8.2.0.Final…
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Arquillian can't inject a local or remote EJB on Glassfish embedded container

I use Arquillian to test an EJB that has an explicit local and remote interface. But in the test Arquillian does not "inject" anything in a field that has the type of the local interface, or the remote interface. I use the Glassfish embedded as…
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Blackbox testing using Arquillian

I am a QA person & do blackbox testing using Java + TestNG + Selenium WebDriver for our web application. I do not have access to the actual application code. My application runs on JBoss (in a remote server). I heard about Arquillian recently & I…
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