Questions tagged [google-maps-sdk-ios]

The new Google Maps SDK for iOS allows users to view and interact with a Google map in your iOS app.

The new Google Maps SDK for iOS allows users to view and interact with a Google map in your iOS app. With rotation, tilt, 3D buildings and many other features, you can create highly interactive apps for your users.

Google Maps SDK for iOS Documentation

1330 questions
1 answer

How to show compass on Google Street View for iOS?

I am using GMSPanoramaView provided by the Maps SDK for iOS. I couldn't find any options regarding on the compass. Is there anyway to show a compass on the Street View like on the web version?
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2 answers

iOS | Prevent Google Logo from Redirecting to Google Maps

We are using pod 'GoogleMaps', '~> 3.9.0' in our application. We just want to prevent redirection to Google Maps app when user taps on Google Logo in the GoogleMap.
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1 answer

How to use Google Maps Platform SDK for iOS with Xcode project without using storyboard?

I am trying out my first Xcode iOS project using Swift using Google Maps Platform. I got as far as Step 5 at Get Started in documentation I am not given an option to not use storyboard when I create my Xcode Single View Project, so I removed the…
Daniel Brower
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1 answer

Q: GMSPlaceField results to an invalid instance?

I've noticed that if I add another field of GMSPlaceField to my request like the one demonstrated here: and say make the fields like so: let fields: GMSPlaceField =…
1 answer


I'm using GoogleMaps for my app and I properly setup everything from the Info.plist, locationManager...didChangeAuthorization using requestWhenInUseAuthorization how every I still get stuck with error EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION even though I set it…
1 answer

Google Maps SDK for iOS in China

I have successfully implemented Place Autocomplete using GMSAutocompleteViewController in my iOS application. I have made a beta testing using TestFlight in China and realized that it doesn't work there. But domain is currently…
1 answer

Looking for contain(:latitude:longitude) method for GMSPath class in swift

I am working on bus tarcking app.I draw road of bus with GMSPath class.I need to check specific (latitude,longitude) is in that path or not.I googled,but cannot find method like contain(:latitude:longitude) for checking what I want.I also looked…
Vusala Hasanli
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2 answers

Xcode: why does Xcode shows an image bigger then AS-IS?

Why does Xcode shows a image bigger then AS-IS? Scenario: I got an image. I resize this UIImage. I export the resized UIImage. I comment out my resize…
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2 answers

GMSMapView zoom around a fixed point on the screen

This code will displace a marker 100 pixels lower down on the screen: CGPoint point = [myMapView.projection pointForCoordinate:marker.position]; point.y -= 100.0f; GMSCameraUpdate *camera = [GMSCameraUpdate setTarget:[myMapView.projection…
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1 answer

How can i show single route for multiple destinations using google maps in iOS

Let's say I have a list of 3 locations - A, B and C, I am trying find the shortest driving distance between each of the locations in one go: A to B A to C B to A B to C C to A C to B I need this for 100 different locations, and I am trying to find…
1 answer

Google map load on subviews in IOS

I have implement google map in IOS . But the problem is I can not implement google map on my custom view (subview) . Thanks in advance .
1 answer

How i can use distance Matrix api to get direction between two places (swift)?

How I can use distance Matrix API to get direction between two places , I search a lot of in internet but I can't find effective tutorial and detail Can anybody help me to find a good tutorial ??
2 answers

How to assign marker.title by coordinate (swift)?

I have longitude and latitude because I use didLongPressAtCoordinate and for now I want to assign marker.title to title of this coordinate. func mapView(mapView: GMSMapView!, didLongPressAtCoordinate coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D) { let…
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How to show the Google Photo Sphere on an iOS app?

I'm developing Google Street View app for iOS. I think Photo Sphere is not sopported iOS API, but it's sopported Android API. How do i show the Photo Sphere? I can't think of any good ideas. Use cordova-plugin-googlemaps for PhoneGap? Thanks.
1 answer

Google Maps GMSMarker infoWindow frame

In iOS, is there any way to get the frame or location of the GMSMarker infoWindow that pops up? I have created my own custom view for the infoWindow and it all works, but I want to be able to get the location of that infoWindow when the user taps on…
Ferdinand Rios
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