Questions tagged [google-maps-sdk-ios]

The new Google Maps SDK for iOS allows users to view and interact with a Google map in your iOS app.

The new Google Maps SDK for iOS allows users to view and interact with a Google map in your iOS app. With rotation, tilt, 3D buildings and many other features, you can create highly interactive apps for your users.

Google Maps SDK for iOS Documentation

1330 questions
2 answers

Google maps api from where we get?

I want to use google maps in my ios application can anyone tell me that from where I will get google maps framework so that i can implement it in my application. Is is free or any cost i have to pay for google map library.
1 answer

Objective C Google maps

Below is my code for getting latitude and longitude of the location but whenever it is executed it returns this: You have exceeded your daily request quota for this API. We recommend registering for a key at the Google Developers Console. I have…
1 answer

Check if 2 locations are in the same city

I have a location called savedLocation that contains a location that I've pre-saved to my app. I want to check if the savedLocation and the user's current location are in the same city. Creating the CLCircularRegion…
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1 answer

google maps project won't run on device or any simulator prior to 6s plus - Xcode 7

I am trying to use google maps in my app but when trying to run the simulator it works only on the iPhone 6s plus simulator but not on anything else. I tried testing it on my actual phone, iPhone 5s, and it still does not work. Ive made sure google…
1 answer

GMSMarker hide/show in GMSMapView in iOS

I used google map sdk for my iOS Application. Here I want to perform GMSMarker hide/show functionality based on the GMSMapView zoom in/zoom out. Could anyone guide me in correct solution please.
Balaji G
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1 answer

Free drawing on Maps

I need to create functionality where a user draws (freely) his daily route on a map. Using iOS Maps / Google Maps SDK, how can I achieve it? The MapView will be fixed at a location and a zoom level, so it doesn't move while the user is drawing. The…
Dunes Buggy
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1 answer

Why does my application crash when the UITextField text reaches a certain length?

I'm using the Google Places API for iOS. I'm working on creating an autocomplete function, and I'm putting the suggestions in 4 buttons (for reasons that aren't relevant to this question), but I'm noticing that, once the user input reaches a certain…
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1 answer

size of iOS app in relation to project size

I'm making an iOS app on XCode and the project folder size was small, ~ 1MB. Then I needed a screen which showed some information and markers on a map, so I used Google Maps for iOS. This required me to add the Google maps framework into my project…
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5 answers

iOS- Howto change the image and property of a button by clicking it?

In my app, I am having a mapView and a button on it, the button is used to toggle the mapView between a standard mapView and the satellite view. Here is the snap shot, if I press the satellite button, the mapView should get changed to sattelite…
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2 answers

adding action event to button in google maps sdk in ios

In my application i created a button on the google maps mapview as a subview. now how to add click event to that button. That button is visible in app but not visible in nib file. how to add the event
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2 answers

how to show route and calculating distance using google map or ios mapkit

i have question regarding ios map application. I didn't found any good help for some point. I tried both ios and google map but i am unable to find the help for both. I am stuck on few points so can any one help me those points are how to show…
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3 answers

Is it possible to load a library before linking based on iOS version?

I have an application which is supposed to use google maps and mapkit framework. Now, google maps are only supported on iOS version 5.1 and further whereas Mapkit framework is supported on lower versions. I want to the application to: Load Mapkit…
Rohit Kashyap
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1 answer

Google Maps SDK for iOS How to Identify if a location is within 5 miles of current location?

I have a list of lat/longs that represent the places I want to show on the Google Maps. How can I check which of these places are near my current location. Something like Near Me functionality that we generally see. I am using Google Maps SDK for…
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2 answers

Google Maps iOS

I am trying to insert Google Maps in a CGRect in iOS. But the code below still displays the map in the entire iPhone page. How do I fix this CGRect rect = CGRectMake(50, 10, 200, 200); GMSCameraPosition *camera = [GMSCameraPosition…
Ashish Agarwal
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2 answers

On Info Window Click in iphone

I want to show a small window on the click of info window in iphone google maps. I want that when the user will tap on the marker, info window will appear. And on the tap of that info window, another window should appear. In android, there is a…
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