
I am working on bus tarcking app.I draw road of bus with GMSPath class.I need to check specific (latitude,longitude) is in that path or not.I googled,but cannot find method like contain(:latitude:longitude) for checking what I want.I also looked google documentation Please if you know anything about how I can do this,share your experience with me.

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  • Possible duplicate of [How to determine if an GMSMarker is inside of GMSPolygon (iOS Google Map SDK)](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24826631/how-to-determine-if-an-gmsmarker-is-inside-of-gmspolygon-ios-google-map-sdk) – Larme Oct 31 '17 at 12:39

1 Answers1


The bus might slightly be off path, so you might need to add some tolerance instead of strict containment. Have a look at GMSGeometricUtils.h and more specifically at:

 * Returns whether |point| lies on or near |path|, within the specified |tolerance| in meters.
 * |path| is composed of great circle segments if |geodesic| is YES, and of rhumb (loxodromic)
 * segments if |geodesic| is NO.
BOOL GMSGeometryIsLocationOnPathTolerance(CLLocationCoordinate2D point,
                                          GMSPath *path,
                                          BOOL geodesic,
                                          CLLocationDistance tolerance);
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