Questions tagged [google-iap]

Questions related to Google Cloud Identity Aware Proxy

114 questions
1 answer

Google IAP In App Purchase auto-renewing subscriptions Webhook for Subscription update / cancellation in NodeJS

Is there any way to implement a Webhook for automatic update of subscriptions on server side, in nodejs for example, for situations such as: the user renewed or canceled his subscription? Currently I save the subscription data in my Database after…
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Using google API gateway as single access point for app engine

Recently I've implemented a couple of microservices on App engine, and I wanted to secure them through an API gateway (NO CLOUD ENDPOINTS) that authenticates every request before forwarding it to the backend. However, App Engines have a public…
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How to authenticate through Google Cloud IAP with client from gapi (google-api-javascript-client) library?

Given a client-side app (written in Angular, but it's not much important) where I use google-api-javascript-client library to authenticate users. In a way described here - …
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IAP from Service account OIDC Token : 401 Unauthorized

Hello, in a sh script i try to call an api in App Engine Standard (with a POST) behind an IAP. I use a service account who have the "IAP-secured Web App user" permission. The service account is from an another account that the IAP. I first generate…
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How to unactive IAP in google cloud project?

I have a problem on a GCP Project I Added IAP on the app. I allowed every user on the professional google domain. I found that IAP was not a good solution. I finally removed IAP from the project. I un-toggled the functionality. And I removed the…
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Identity Aware Proxy (IAP) for a URL - Google app engine

We have two projects - Project 1 - Google App engine standard python 2.7. Project 2 - Google Appp engine standard python 3.3 Project 1 application is secured using Firebase user authentication. We have a need to access a particular function (URL) of…
Jack tileman
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Obtaining refresh_token through offline_access scope to be used with IAP

I am using IAP to protect a Web API Application. I have enabled a service account to get access to the APIs through an id_token. I am able to obtain an id_token (JWT) by signing a JWT (using the keys of my service account) with the following…
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IAP access token with Gmail API

I have the following Error google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError: The credentials do not contain the necessary fields need to refresh the access token. You must specify refresh_token, token_uri, client_id, and client_secret. My project is built with…
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IAP authenticated requests from one GAE service to another

I have two GAE apps deployed in the same project but on different services: frontend react client ( backend graphql server ( Without IAP, the frontend works as intended and is…
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Query based parameter routing Google load balancer - IAP

Recently, I was testing Google https load balancer with query based parameter routing, after configuration, I found that I'm not able to activate IAP on any backend services except default backend , none of backend appeared in IAP. For http, as per…
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CDAP DataFusion GET Pipeline Runs Invalid IAP Credentials Error

I am trying to do a GET API call to get specific pipeline run history. The API URL is as follows APIEndpoint/api/v3/namespaces/default/apps/DataPipeline_name/workflows/DataPipelineWorkflow/runs?limit=1 This API call needs a access token which I get…
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Runs into this error while setting up IAP on a GCP compute engine?

Hi I am trying to set up an Identity Aware Proxy on a compute engine following those instructions here. After setting up IAP, I get the following error "Error: ERROR: JWT validation error Token has wrong audience…
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How to call Cloud Run from out side of Cloud Run/GCP?

I have a simple Spring Boot service 'say-hi' to take GET request under /say-hi and return 'hello'. It's deployed in managed Cloud Run. Suppose I don't want to open it to the general public. Now I wanted to do two things: 1. allow developer (I…
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Google Cloud App Engine - req.user is undefined

I am running a nodejs reactjs app on google clouds app engine. I am using a local passport authentication system. On my localhost calling req.user in my server returns the users details. However when running my app on google cloud it returns…
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Getting IAM policy on App Engine resource

I have a GCP project with an App Engine app resource. I use Identity-Aware Proxy to set users and roles on the App Engine app in the console. I now want to manage users in IAP programmatically. Currently, I am able to get the IAM policy for "All…