Questions tagged [google-iap]

Questions related to Google Cloud Identity Aware Proxy

114 questions
1 answer

Accessing Google Cloud IAP protected resource with bearer token gives error code 13

I am trying to access a resource protected by Google Cloud IAP from my iOS app. I am able to login to my Google account from the app and receive an ID token, but I receive the following response with HTTP error code 401 when setting the ID token as…
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Set custom domain for cookies with Google IAP

I'm using Google Cloud IAP (Identity Aware Proxy) to restrict access to several services running on different subdomains (,, etc.). When I log in to, I'd like it to log me in to as…
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GCP IAP Java example returning ComputeEngineCredentials instead of ServiceAccountCredentials

Context I have some services in Google AppEngine Flexible environment communicating through APIs, and while I am using IAP for managing user access. I have to programmatically authenticate each service with the Bearer JWT token. Problem In my Java…
Mehdi Benmoha
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Using Google Identity-Aware Proxy and Google SignIn in iOS project

We are using Google IAP in our existing iOS application. So on app initialisation we do the authentication for IAP. This works fine. Now, when user clicks on Sign in with google functionality, we have to again show the prompt option where he will…
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Is it possible to get user group membership from Google Cloud Identity Aware Proxy generated token

I would like to add user groups membership information to JWT token generated from Identity Aware Proxy. We could handle this by calling Directory API from our applications after getting user identifier by decoding JWT token, but we need to…
Mikael Gibert
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IAP in front of a load balancer pointing at a storage bucket

I have a cloud storage bucket serving static content. In front of that I have provisioned a load balancer which serves the static content over SSL. Is it possible to put a IAP in front of the load balancer to secure the content being served in the…
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Fine grained security with Google Cloud Identity Aware Proxy

The context is wanting to use Google IAP to secure access for a set of business and individual customers. There is a single central service running in the Google cloud which supports multiple customers and hence multiple non-overlapping security…
1 answer

Google cloud client libraries and user authentication

I am developing my first app for Google Cloud Platform. In particular, I am using Node.js as base-framework. Google itself provides Node.js client libraries to interact with their services. For instance, this code is able to create a new bucket…
2 answers

Google Pub/Sub push subscription into IAP-protected App Engine

I am testing out a very basic Pub/Sub subscription. I have the push endpoint set to an App I have deployed through a Python Flex service in App Engine. The service is in a project with Identity-Aware Proxy enabled. The IAP is configured to allow…
1 answer

appengine service to service queries not working

I followed those instructions I have an appengine where 2 services (let's call them A and B) are deployed. The appengine is configured with IAP. (Identity Aware Proxy) I can't get B to query A. If I call it simply with urlfetch.fetch, the call get's…
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Authenticating a GCP service account using Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) in python

We are using Identity-Aware Proxy to secure our backend which is a REST API. For human users with a google account this works well so far. I'm currently trying to connect another component to this API which is authenticating using a service account.…
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Service account request to IAP-protected app results in 'Invalid GCIP ID token: JWT signature is invalid'

I am trying to programmatically access an IAP-protected App Engine Standard app via Python from outside of the GCP environment. I have tried various methods, including the method shown in the docs here:…
1 answer

Google Cloud Identity Aware Proxy over Corporate Proxy

Configured Google Cloud Identity Aware Proxy for the application. So far, I can ssh to it no problem, as long as I am not using corporate proxy. Tried over proxy (with IAP endpoint being in 'allow' list in corporate proxy), but it failed with SSL…
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With Identity Aware Proxy, is it possible to make a cross origin request to another GAE "service" in the same GCP project with a different hostname?

The setup: Service A (frontend): GAE serving static site, all calls made from A are happening on client side. Service B (api): GAE instance hosting REST API. Without Identity Aware Proxy, I am able to make requests from the clientside of the…
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Is it possible to protect an App Engine application with IAP while having a few public URLs?

I have an Google App Engine Standard (Python 3) application that I've secured behind Google IAP. This works great! But now I need a handful of web hook urls to be public, so other services can hit them, like SendGrid. Is there a solution to this…