Questions tagged [google-api-gateway]

19 questions
0 answers

Configure Google Cloud API Gateway for optional Authenticated with JWT, and unauthenticated?

I am trying to set up a GraqphQL Server, on Cloud Functions, and I want to set up an API Gateway to handle authentication with auth0 and jwt.... I have it working from the tutorial, the problem is it always requires a JWT token, where as I want some…
1 answer

JWT Token Google Cloud Run

I am developing an application with JWT authentication on the google cloud platform. Server side I added authentication via Cloud API Gateway to a cloud run backend. Now I am making a client to generate the JWT token and pass it in the call. To do…
2 answers

Google API Gateway: Provide API key in header

I'm trying to setup Google API Gateway to use an API key that callers send in the header. My api config yaml looks like this: ... securityDefinitions: api_key_header: type: apiKey name: key in: header api_key_query: type: apiKey …
Slava Medvediev
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Google API Gateway throwing 400, Bad Request error for headers with underscore

I'm using Google API Gateway (available in beta) for my service. Facing an issue with the API Requests which have API Headers with underscore (_) in it's name e.g CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME. The API Gateway throws 400, Bad Request for such requests. The…
0 answers

Google Cloud API Gateway - "internal error has occurred" on creation

I am looking to create a GCP Cloud API Gateway resource for my project. I have created the API and also created the API config. I am now looking to create the Gateway itself. However, when I run the Gateway creation command I get the following…
0 answers

how to create api keys for securing google API gateway(Beta) programmatically?

Use case: Users allowed to create api keys and revoke them from webapp. The docs seem to only show creating Api keys using the Cloud Console. (Link to docs)
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GCP API Gateway model implementation and input validation

I am exploring API Gateway of GCP. Is there a way to add model to do input request validation against that model and throw specific errors on Gateway Layer itself.
1 answer

How to deploy GCP API Gateway and Cloud function together without gcloud commands

We built an API and integrated cloud function as backend. Till now we were deploying cloud function first and API gateway later. Is there a best way to club these two services and deploy it as a whole?
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Static IP for GCP API Gateway

Is there a native option to setup a static IP address for a google cloud API Gateway? As far as I researched, looks like I have to setup a cloud load balancer in front of the API Gateway and then use the static IP of the load balancer. I am not sure…
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Google API Gateway: Assign config via gcloud CLI

I'm looking for a way to automate config updates for Google API Gateway, i.e. change config for an existing instance of "API Gateway" in a single step. What I've tried so far, assuming that new API config name is "my-new-config" and API Gateway name…
0 answers

Using google API gateway as single access point for app engine

Recently I've implemented a couple of microservices on App engine, and I wanted to secure them through an API gateway (NO CLOUD ENDPOINTS) that authenticates every request before forwarding it to the backend. However, App Engines have a public…
1 answer

Why is the Cloud Run URL still accessible after API Gateway applied?

I applied Google's API Gateway using an opeanapi yaml file as the configuration, and received a new gateway URL. My question is what is the point of the gateway if the original Cloud Run URL is still accessible? I can make the exact same Postman…
Ty Showers
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Google API Gateway + Firebase: X-Apigateway-Api-Userinfo vs X-Forwarded-Authorization headers

I'm using Google API Gateway to in my Firebase app to verify if a user is signed-in. In API Gateway's documentation here, it recommends to use the forwarded X-Apigateway-Api-Userinfo header to retrieve user info: API Gateway will send the…
1 answer

GCP API Gateway for Compute Engine

I found the following snippet on api gateway marketing page. So I was setting up API gateway for my app running on compute engine. As I couldn't find any documentation on how to configure compute engine on API engine, I created the following…
1 answer

Google API Gateway with Firebase Auth: Unable to get the response back to client

I was trying GCP API Gateway using Firebase authentication. I can see my request has been processed from the logs and completed with response code 200. However, I am not getting the response back to my client. I am getting the response when I call…