Questions tagged [google-iap]

Questions related to Google Cloud Identity Aware Proxy

114 questions
1 answer

Can you combine the App Engine firewall with IAP? (OR not AND)

Is it possible to set up App Engine so that access to the application is granted to a requester that is: - Either on the App Engine firewall IP address whitelist (ie, with no authentication) - Or authenticated using Identity-Aware Proxy ? In other…
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Problems using Cloud IAP Special URLs after login in SPA

I've been using Google Cloud IAP to protect my web apps under https://some-domain. However, I found a problem when accessing Cloud IAP special urls with nginx + static SPA. I found that if I wasn't logged in, I was able to access the special urls…
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Djangae AppEngine misbehaves with IAP

Code that I have used to handle user login and admin login: # if not logged in, divert to login page if users.get_current_user() is None: return redirect('whoami') # if logged in, Check if user is an admin elif not…
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How to get a cron job running in Flexible GAE

I am working on my first app. I chose to go with the Flexible Python environment interacting with DataTables. I have the app working and it is secured with Identity-Aware Proxy to limit access to our company domain. I am now trying to deploy a cron…
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GAE with IAP (Identity Aware Proxy) and mail inboundservice

I have a Java appengine standard project which handle incoming mails via activated inbound-service with out any problems. If I configure and activate the IAP (identity aware proxy) the appengine projects still works fine with out any problems. But…
Dev Moerker
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Google IAP Public Keys Expiry?

This page provides public keys to decrypt headers from Google's Identity Aware Proxy. Making a request to the page provides its own set of headers, one of which is Expires (it contains a datetime). What does the expiration date actually mean? I…
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Connecting to IAP (Identity Aware Proxy) protected service with PHP and Service Account

How to connect to an IAP protected service with PHP via Service Account? I already fail to get the Authentication Bearer, so I guess I'm completely on the wrong track:
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How to add Google IAP (Identity Aware Proxy) resources?

I am testing Google IAP on an Appengine project. This project consit of 3 services (formerly known as modules). Each one represent an environment (default is dev, staging and prod). My problem is that only one resource is listed in the IAP…
1 answer

how get jwt token from IAP in Flask?

I have a simple Flask application on a Google App Engine, protected by Identity-Aware Proxy. The authentication works well but I only recover the GCP_IAP_UID cookie, when I want to recover the JWT found in GCP_IAAP_AUTH_TOKEN_XXXXX. I have…
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