Questions tagged [google-api-gateway]

19 questions
0 answers

Google Load-Balancer to overcome API gateway CORS problem

I implemented the Load Balancer to overcome the CORS problem I was having with new Google API gateway. I added the following "custom response headers": I added "custom response headers": Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Allow-Methods:…
1 answer

JWT verification fails with ESPv2 with Firebase authentication

I was building authenticated Cloud functions usingCloud functions with ESPV2 and Firebase authentication and API Management. Once I got the JWT token from firebase after authentication, I tried curl to the link with the token in Authorization as…
1 answer

Google Api Gateway with Cloud Run CORS

Is there a way to enable Cors in the Google Api gateway config for Cloud Run services? I enabled Cors in the service themselves, but I always get Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'xxx' from origin 'http://localhost:4200/' has been blocked by CORS policy:…
1 answer

Is it possible to have IP whitelisting using google GCP API Gateway?

I've been searching on google and keep getting referred to the VPC documentation but I don't think this will solve my problem. I'm trying to limit the IP address…