Questions tagged [serverless-framework]

Serverless Framework – Build and maintain web, mobile and IoT applications running on AWS, Google Cloud or Azure

Serverless is the application framework for building serverless web, mobile and IoT applications. It's a command line interface that helps you build and maintain Serverless apps across teams of any size. It's completely extensible via Plugins and developed full-time by a dedicated team.

2370 questions
5 answers

Rename an Azure Function

How to rename an Azure Function? I want to replace a default 'HttpTriggerCSharp1' name to my own. At the moment unfortunately this name is included in the function url and there is no option to change…
3 answers

AWS Lambda http, where do I find the URL?

I am fairly new to AWS Lambda but sure can see the benefits of it and stumbled upon the superb framework Serverless to help me built solutions on Lambda. I started out building solutions using AWS API Gateway but really need "internal" VPC API's and…
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7 answers

How to pass parameters to serverless invoke local

I'm working on a aws serverless project and need to test the lambda functions locally. I am using serverless invoke local -f {function_name} command to test the API calls that does not request any path or query parameters. My question is how can I…
Lasitha Yapa
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4 answers

Lambda Integration vs. Lambda Proxy: Pros and Cons

What do you think are the Pros and Cons of using Lambda integration with and without the proxy feature in AWS API Gateway (and more specifically, when using the Serverless framework)? Here's what I think up to now: Lambda Integration with…
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Difference between SAM template and Cloudformation template

I'm finding it hard to understand the difference between SAM template and Cloudformation template. I know that SAM template can be used to define Serverless Applications like Lambda, but how does that make it different from Cloudformation template?…
2 answers

How could I use aws lambda to write file to s3 (python)?

I have tried to use lambda function to write a file to S3, then test shows "succeeded" ,but nothing appeared in my S3 bucket. What happened? Does anyone can give me some advice or solutions? Thanks a lot. Here's my code. import json import…
1 answer

How do I pass json inputs to a Cron scheduled Lambda deployed in Serverless using event?

I have been trying to deploy a Lambda in Serverless to run on a Cron schedule that invokes it every hour. When it is invoked, I want the event inside the Lambda to be populated by my own JSON input rather than the info from the Cron event which is…
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How to return the inserted item in dynamoDB

I am using nodeJS sdk to put the item to dynamoDB, The item is: { "eventId": date + '-' + eventName + '-' + eventPurpose, "eventName": eventName, "eventPurpose": eventPurpose, "eventDates": eventDates, "attendees": attendees } The…
7 answers

How can I install GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick on AWS Lambda?

I am using the gm package for Node.js along with the default ImageMagick installation that is available on AWS Lambda. const gm = require('gm').subClass({ imageMagick: true }); For some reason, the resize functionality fails for certain images. …
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How do I get the AccountId as a variable in a serverless.yml file?

I want to build an ARN in my file dynamically, but I need to get my current AccountId. How can I access it as a variable? For example: example: arn:aws:states:${region}:${accountId}:stateMachine:${self:service}-${self:custom.stage}-example What is…
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9 answers

How to test aws lambda functions locally

I have a mobile application backend developed with node.js express. I tried it to deploy it as lambda service. For that I created a Serverless Framework project ( Previously I tested mobile app locally by starting…
3 answers

What is the difference between AWS lambda and AWS Lambda@EDGE?

What is the difference between simple aws lambda and aws lambda@edge ?
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How to remove stage from URLs for AWS Lambda functions + Serverless framework?

I'm using Serverless Framework to deploy functions in AWS Lambda, but I can't find where/how I can remove the stage specifier from the URL endpoints created. The documentation does not seem to cover this part. For example, this is my serverless.yml…
3 answers

How do I debug AWS Api Gateway & Lambda's "AWS/ApiGateway 5XXError"

I have an API Gateway resource that runs a lambda function. I'm calling the API Gateway resource using the AWS Generated SDK from my Api Gateway. Here's the portion of the stacktrace from my client that seems relevant: Caused by:…
3 answers

Cognito user pool authorizer With Serverless Framework

I need to authorize my API end point using aws cognito userpool. I can do it manually, but I need to automate the authorization part with the serverless framework. Does the Serverless framework have support for aws cognito? If so, how do we setup…
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