Questions tagged [google-glass]

Google Glass is a project to create a commercially-viable, next-generation wearable smart device in the form of a pair of glasses featuring a head-mounted display. The product allows users to interact with the device via voice and allows other smartphone-like functionality. Google Glass runs on Android with additional APIs for developers.

Google Glass is a research and development program by Google to develop an augmented reality head-mounted display (HMD). Google Glass runs and displays information in smartphone-like format hands-free and interacts with the Internet via natural language voice commands. The prototype's functionality and minimalist appearance (aluminium strip with 2 nose pads) has been compared to Steve Mann's EyeTap. (from wikipedia)

1574 questions
8 answers

Is there an Android based Google Glass Emulator?

Is it possible to define an Android Virtual Device for use to develop Google Glass apps (until the devices become widely available)?
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1 answer

Why is my voice command missing from the ok glass menu in XE16?

I had a Glassware that launched using a voice command on the ok glass menu. It worked great in XE12, but in XE16 it does not show up in the main menu. Here's a snippet from my AndroidManifest.xml showing my voice command configuration:
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5 answers

Prevent Google Glass from Auto-Uploading Photos

Google Glass automatically uploads every photo I take with it to Google's servers, and puts them in a private Google+ folder. I don't take nude pictures, I'm not a Google competitor and I have no interest in politics, but this is still too creepy…
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5 answers

Google Glass GDK: How to Communicate with Android Device

I'm looking for a way to send data between my Android Device and Google Glass that doesn't rely on Cloud API's. Is this supported? I see the Bluetooth connections in the My Glass app, which makes me think it can be done. Is there an example…
Nathaniel D. Waggoner
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6 answers

Google Glass preview image scrambled with new XE10 release

This occurs using a few apks that make use of the camera (e.g., zxing, opencv). It displays a glitched image in the preview but it is still a function of what the camera sees so it appears to be an encoding mismatch. The native camera preview…
Brandyn White
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2 answers

GDK / APK for Google Glass - Keep screen from dimming

What part of the code in the four sample APK projects listed here for Google Glass prevents the screen from dimming? When I write my own APK and sideload it, after ten seconds with no tapping, the screen dims but does not turn off. What manifest…
Mark Scheel
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6 answers

Google Glass ADB devices doesn't find. OMAP4430 driver not installed (can't find it!)

Plugging in Glass via USB allows me to browse files and such. But even with debug mode ON I can't get it to show up with the adb devices command. Also my Windows system said it couldn't find an OMAP4430 device driver (which is the Glass SoC I…
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4 answers

What is the difference between Glass Mirror API and Google GDK?

What is the difference between Glass Mirror API and Google GDK? Google has announced the GDK here: but they haven't exposed any new features specific to Glass yet. How do we actually use the Google…
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8 answers

Google Glass GDK: Progress Indicator?

Using the GDK (or in some other way), is there a way to display a progress indicator similar to the one displayed when connecting to a WiFi network on Glass? (the "spinning" lines on the bottom of the display, kind of like at the end of this video:…
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3 answers

What is the correct Device Definition for Google Glass (for a simulator in Eclipse or Android studio)?

Yes I will test on the actual device (when it arrives) but would be nice to know now: How to setup a device definition so I can run an emulator that is something like glass. Critical are: Size: What size does glass "report" itself as: Small, Normal,…
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5 answers

Is it possible to play with Google Mirror API without having the device?

I've been reading the documentation and playing at but it seems there is no way to further investigate since when following the instructions from at my…
Héctor García
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4 answers

Google Glass: GDK with Android Studio

I’m trying to use the new Google Glass Development kit with Android Studio. Unfortunately I'm not having much success. I get the error: "Gradle: package does not exist" I've added uses-library to the manifest as…
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1 answer

Android Media Recorder not recording long videos on Google Glass

I have written an opensource camera for Google glass but some of the people who have used it have reported that the video recorded doesn't get saved properly for lengthy videos. I couldn't find info regarding any such limitation in the Android…
2 answers

Using Android Speech Recognition APIs from Google Glass

I'm working to adapt an existing Android application to run on Google Glass, as a proof of concept. I would like to use voice input in my application to replace some features that currently require touch input. I can deploy my APK to Google Glass…
Malcolm Smith
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1 answer

Is there any way to run glassware in an emulator?

Today Google just released the GDK Sneak Peak for Google Glass. I have tried to run the samples they have hosted in GitHub with no success: gdk-stopwatch-sample gdk-compass-sample gdk-timer-sample I am targetting against Android 4.0.3 Glass…
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