Questions tagged [golem]

{golem} is an R framework for building robust application with Shiny. You can use the [golem] tag for questions about building or deploying Shiny application using {golem}. Question can either concern general concepts or specific functions from inside the package. You can also use this tag if you need more information about moving from a "standard" Shiny app structure to a {golem}-based application.

Here are a list of resources you can visit before asking your questions:



The general workflow is described at

Functions reference

Find function focumentation at

Moving from classical application

See the golemize repo for examples of moving classical apps to {golem}.

The book

A lot of resources about {golem} and about building apps with R can be found in the online book:

35 questions
2 answers

How to include R6 objects to share data across modules in golem Shiny app

I’m trying to create a Shiny app using golem for the first time. golem structures Shiny apps with modules to help keep large Shiny apps modularized. However, modules don’t communicate with each other by default. I’d like to share data across…
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Can I include multiple UI elements in a single shinydashboard module?

In shinydashboard there is the amazing convenience of putting widgets into the menuItem(menuSubItems()) portion of the dashboardSidebar(). But I want the several elements of my UI and Server coded into modules so I can adhere to the golem…
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How to test modules within a golem framework shiny package?

I am trying to develop unit tests for my shiny app, which was made using golem framework and shiny v1.5.0. Golem comes with a recommended test file, which covers very basic UI testing. I am, however, way more concerned with testing the server-side,…
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Testing modular R Shiny (golem) dashboards

I've been exploring (**and loving) the golem package for developing modular dashboards with R Shiny. But I'm struggling to wrap my head around how to test a modular dashboard. For example in the repex below how would I test that if the input$n_rows…
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Config file not found in current working directory or parent directories with `pool` and `golem`

I am attempting to use the pool package in my Shiny golem application. I have slightly updated the default golem-config.yml: default: golem_name: mygolem golem_version: app_prod: no default_programs: !expr c(1:10000) db_host:…
Dylan Russell
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tq_get: error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'as_date'

When I try to use tq_get in {golem} I get the Warning: Warning: x = 'SPY', get = 'stock.prices': Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'as_date': object '_lubridate_C_valid_tz'…
Kevin P
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1 answer

Startup warning with reactive input in shiny module

I am currently modularizing a Shiny app in different modules following the {golem} framework. For simplicity, let's say I have 3 main shiny modules: mod_faith_plot: generates a scatterplot of a given dataset (I'll use faitfhul). mod_points_select:…
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Usize breaking zksync when compiling for ARM

This is a complex and hard issue, but I will break it down to the best of my abilities. It comes down to when I am compiling a rust project for ARM64 (goal is to run on rasp pi 4). A large majority of the libraries compile (704 / 740) but it breaks…
1 answer

How can I get a golem app to generate logs when dockerized?

We have a dockerized golem app that runs fine except for not creating any output (log statements) when deployed in a docker container. In fact, we aren't even seeing any default shiny-server logs. Here is app.R for our "AirSensorDataViewer" golem…
1 answer

Interfacing Shinymanager and Golem

I would like to know if there is any documentation about interfacing golem structure and shinymanager which is a package I use frequently to secure my app. The shinymanager workflow proposed on their github works well with a Ui.R / Server.R…
Sofiane M'barki
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R Docker: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket

I've used a golem pipeline to package & dockerize my app. For starters, I am trying to deploy the app locally on windows pc using docker (also tried to run it on linux with a same problem). The app collects the data from a local SQlite database…
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How to run R Shiny App in Docker Container

I built a Docker Image for an R Shiny App and ran the corresponding container with Docker Toolbox on Windows 10 Home. When trying to open the App with my web browser, only the index is shown. I don't know why the app isn't executed. The log shows me…
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{golem} template for non-RStudio IDE users

Is there a progammatic way to start a new {golem} app from template? As a VSCode user, it bothers me a little having to open RStudio just to create a new project from template.
Alberson Miranda
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Disable button in UI based on input from module in Shiny app

In a Shiny app, I’m trying to disable/enable an action button in the UI of the main app based on user's input from a module. Basically, I want the “Next Page” (submit) button to be disabled until the user responds to the last item (item3). When the…
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Error detecting locale: Error in read.table(file = file, header = header.. how to tackle this problem?

My app works very well locally. I used golem framework to write this shiny app. However, when I deploy app on the following error comes up: Warning message: Error detecting locale: Error in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep…
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