Questions tagged [golem]

{golem} is an R framework for building robust application with Shiny. You can use the [golem] tag for questions about building or deploying Shiny application using {golem}. Question can either concern general concepts or specific functions from inside the package. You can also use this tag if you need more information about moving from a "standard" Shiny app structure to a {golem}-based application.

Here are a list of resources you can visit before asking your questions:



The general workflow is described at

Functions reference

Find function focumentation at

Moving from classical application

See the golemize repo for examples of moving classical apps to {golem}.

The book

A lot of resources about {golem} and about building apps with R can be found in the online book:

35 questions
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How can I put app code on GitHub from RStudio?

I wrote an app in golem framework with many modules and other components. I would like to send all my code to repository on GitHub. I read that I'd have to upload app's code on Gist first as to others could see it on GitHub. I have GitHub account…
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Toggle treating warnings as errors when deploying a shiny app on Heroku via Docker

How do I tell either R or Docker or Heroku to not treat warnings as errors when deploying a shiny/golem app? I think last week I already found the answer - something along the lines of ENV WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS=false in my Dockerfile - but I seem to…
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external data package with only images - shiny app

I'm developing a shiny app using golem. This shiny app uses hundreds of images (in www folder) and since many of them aren't mandatory, I want to create an external data package so the user can install it if wants to show these images. Now the…
0 answers

R shiny module modifying column class in DF dont work in module but work in "normal" R

learning about shiny modules and i got a problem : on my "non-modularized" app i read a csv and get some management on it including : 1 haver<- read.csv("W:\\NetBakData\\Line5-7-9.csv", 2 sep = ";", 3 …
Ludo Vic
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How can I have a ShinyApp calling a module, which in turn calls another module?

I have a simple ShinyApp which calls 2 modules - this works. However, I'm trying to transform it so that ShinyApp calls a module, which in turn calls a sub-module. Please see code below, I can't work out why it won't work: I'm trying to solve this…
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Looking for help launching a dockerized shiny app built with the golem framework on an AWS EC2 instance

Does anyone have resources or prior examples for launching a shiny dockerized app built with the golem framework on an AWS EC2 instance? Mainly, I could use some assistance configuring the Dockerfile, shiny-server.conf, and…
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1 answer

How to display dynamically generated PDF files inside shiny golem app

I'm generating a powerpoint presentation in R using officer, and then converting this to a PDF so a user can preview slides inside the shiny golem app. But after referencing this thread and this SO answer to a similar question I'm still not quite…
Giovanni Colitti
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Deploying shiny app made with golem to gives Error

I am trying to deploy shiny app made with golem to the . It was working well few days back but now when I am trying to deploy gives following error. I tried deploying simple new golem shiny app that also gave the same error. What is…
1 answer

Reactively updating sidebar in modular Shiny app

I have a modularized Golem app using bs4Dash. I want to update the active sidebar tab from an actionBttn that is dynamically generated from renderUI. While updatebs4ControlbarMenu works as expected as shown here, it does not work in the modularized…
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How to read data from Bigquery into Shiny App made with Golem

I am trying to read data from a Bigquery table into a Shiny App following Golem's framework. This can be easily done by adding the following code before the ui and server functions in an App.R file bq_auth(path = "xxxxxxxxxxxx.json") #…
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2 answers

How can I deploy my shiny app as a package?

I want to deploy my shiny application but as a package something like this: library(mylibrary) run_app() How can I do this? Thank you
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Update package data with github actions

I'm developing a shiny app with {golem} framework. Repo is here and it's deployed here. It's data is generated by this script in data-raw folder. Several objects are created, put together in a list called series and then stored in the package as a…
Alberson Miranda
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Shiny Dashboard with Modules reactiveness

Hi I am bit stuck on a Shiny dashboard where I tried to strip out some functionality into ui (and server) modules and sub-modules. What I want to achieve is this library(shiny) runApp(list( ui = basicPage( selectInput("select", "Select columns…
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How do I make a golem app appear at a specific URL route

We let the golem package automatically create a Dockerfile for us and can run the docker image and see the app at the root directory: http://localhost:3838/?... But we would like the app to appear in a subdirectory like…
0 answers

How do I prevent Golem app from dropping websocket?

I am inheriting an R application written in Golem. The app runs as expected other than a timeout issue: if the UI goes for 40-60 seconds the screen turns grey and any subsequent action generates a console error: shinyapp.js:288 Uncaught TypeError:…
Mr Griever
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