Questions tagged [golem]

{golem} is an R framework for building robust application with Shiny. You can use the [golem] tag for questions about building or deploying Shiny application using {golem}. Question can either concern general concepts or specific functions from inside the package. You can also use this tag if you need more information about moving from a "standard" Shiny app structure to a {golem}-based application.

Here are a list of resources you can visit before asking your questions:



The general workflow is described at

Functions reference

Find function focumentation at

Moving from classical application

See the golemize repo for examples of moving classical apps to {golem}.

The book

A lot of resources about {golem} and about building apps with R can be found in the online book:

35 questions
1 answer

How to modularize directory selector for the golem framework?

I have been working on a shiny app that I would like to integrate to the golem framework. I used a directory selector from the shinyFiles package, but I got some problems trying to modularize it (the shiny app does not show my directories anymore).…
0 answers

Need help to have Golem v0.23.0 working with Docker toolbox for Windows 10 Home

I am not an indepth tech person (working as a BA in the space between business and IT). Anyway having said that I am trying to get a bit more understanding of blockchain and reading around I thought it would be a nice excercise to become a provider…
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1 answer

adding favicons in golem

the R documentation shows the code for adding a favicon to a shiny app developed with the golem package as: golem::use_favicon(path="inst/app/www/favicon.ico", method = "curl") My question: where do I insert this code? When running it in the…
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2 answers

Golem deploy in docker : %>% not fund

I migrate my shiny app in dockerised golem app. I have a problem in the use of pipe. With this line : plotly::plot_ly(tabPieTension, labels = ~cat, values = ~valeur, type = 'pie', sort = FALSE) %>% plotly::layout(title = "Delta tension (Baisse…
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2 answers

module for inputting csv/tsv/txt files in rshiny

I am developing a R Shiny application which will rely on a module in hopes that I can re-use the module for uploading and displaying two different data sets. As of now, my code works but I think I could make it a little bit cleaner as I don't think…
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