Questions tagged [geotagging]

The process of adding geographical identification metadata to various media.

The process of adding geographical identification metadata to various media such as photographs or videos, websites, SMS messages, QR codes, or RSS feeds. This data usually consists of latitude and longitude coordinates, though they can also include altitude, bearing, distance, accuracy data, and place names.

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118 questions
5 answers

How to save GPS coordinates in exif data on Android?

I am writing GPS coordinates to my JPEG image, and the coordinates are correct (as demonstrated by my logcat output) but it appears that it's being corrupted somehow. Reading the exif data results in either null values or, in the case of my GPS:…
Brian D
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6 answers

Reverse wikipedia geotagging lookup

Wikipedia is geotagging a lot of its articles. (Look in the top right corner of the page.) Is there any API for querying all geotagged pages within a specified radius of a geographical position? Update Okay, so based on lost-theory's answer I tried…
Bjarke Freund-Hansen
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1 answer

geo tagging in android

How to know whether the geo tagging is enabled or disabled in android camera setting through the code? We are attaching the geo tags to photos through code. We using Location Manager,Location Listener to get the latitude and longitude and save this…
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5 answers

Is there a way to retrieve Google Map Longitude & Latitude from Addresses in Spreadsheet?

I am currently working with a data listing and one of my columns of data is an address of the listing. I plan on plotting each of my addresses on a Google Map, but I would like to avoid having to manually paste the address into Google to obtain the…
1 answer

iPhone iOS how to extract photo metadata and geotagging info from a camera roll image?

Possible Duplicate: How Do I Get The Correct Latitude and Longitude From An Uploaded iPhone Photo? I'm making a photo app and would like to know what are my options for working with geotagged photos. I would like to display where a photo has been…
Alex Stone
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0 answers

Geotag an Image

I would like to use pure HTML5 to try and test it's ability to Geotag an image with a location. How can this be done in HTML5? I have used google to find an answer, but to no avail. I am sure this has been asked before but cant find a similar…
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2 answers

Geotagging JPEGs with pyexiv2

I am geotagging JPEGs using the pyexiv2 Python module using code I found in another SO answer (see: What is the best way to geotag jpeg-images using Python?) and I have a question about the GPSTag value. The code given in the answer has the…
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2 answers

How do I retrieve all public geotagged photos from Flickr?

I am currently creating a php app part of which involves placing geotagged photos on a Google map, I would like to be able to place all geotagged publics photos from Flickr on this map, rather than just those from a specific user. I have managed to…
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5 answers

What is the best way to geotag jpeg-images with python?

I have coordinates from some source and want to tag my jpg files with them. What is the best python library for writing geotags into exif data?
Frank Bannister
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0 answers

Elasticsearch: searching for a geo_shape that contains a point

I'm trying to correctly format a query that returns a polygon geo_shape given a point geo_shape. The elasticsearch version is 2.2.1 My mapping is "outputarea-index" : { "aliases" : { }, "mappings" : { "outputarea" : { …
1 answer

Collecting geotagged tweets with Twitter4j

Hi All, public static void main(String[] args) { ConfigurationBuilder cb = new ConfigurationBuilder(); cb.setDebugEnabled(true); cb.setOAuthConsumerKey("xxxxxx"); cb.setOAuthConsumerSecret("xxxx"); …
David Crowley
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2 answers

GeoTagging Photo's after using Camera Intent

I have an app that uses the Android Camera Intent to take pictures and after the picture is taken I am trying to add some gps data to the Image's Exif Data. However, my app keeps crashing when it reaches double longitude =…
Nick Chris
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1 answer

Getting location from meta data on iOS

Is there a way to get the location out of a newly taken image, without using the CLLocationManager? Its kind of stupid to use a location manager if you can just extract the data out of the image. Thanks in advance
1 answer

Geo tagging in application involving the standard iOS UIImagePickerController

Here is the set up: I am making an application 'X'. This application allows a person to upload their location. Their location can be turned off in Setting > Location > 'X' for their privacy. I also implement UIImagePickerController which allows…
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2 answers

PHP / Google Maps - Geofence

I am attempting to create a simple tracker using php and google maps. Right now I have the tracker working but I want it to detect proximity to certain markers. For example if the user is within 30m of the my "house" (a marker) the script will…
Keiran Lovett
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