Questions tagged [geotagging]

The process of adding geographical identification metadata to various media.

The process of adding geographical identification metadata to various media such as photographs or videos, websites, SMS messages, QR codes, or RSS feeds. This data usually consists of latitude and longitude coordinates, though they can also include altitude, bearing, distance, accuracy data, and place names.

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118 questions
2 answers

Overwrite GPS coordinates in Image Exif using Python 3.6

I am trying to transform image geotags so that images and ground control points lie in the same coordinate system inside my software (Pix4D mapper). The answer here says: Exif data is standardized, and GPS data must be encoded using geographical…
Avishek Dutta
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1 answer

Which is the best library of relevant geotagged images?

I need a library of geotagged images (one that has a public API), that I can use in my location-aware application. What are my options? Picasaweb is giving me results, but they are from private parties of people. Images like those should be private,…
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0 answers

Geo-tag is showing for captured images after restart the device

I am trying to add geo tag to an Image after I captured it from camera by using the following code, but the location is tagging to the image after restarting the device. What did I do wrong? Can some on help me please. My code:- private void…
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1 answer

Possible to Geo-tag Photos using iPhone ImagePicker?

When calling the ImagePicker to take a picture the user is not prompted to allow their location to be used to geo-tag the photo as with the native Camera app. Is it possible to turn on or build geo-tagging into the ImagePicker?
Jared Brown
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1 answer

Developing android apps for Zebra devices

My simple query is that how different are the zebra devices from normal android devices? Also if we develop android apps for normal android devices will it work on zebra devices?or vice versa? Also what are the android versions supported on Zebra…
Sapna Bhor
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3 answers

What information is stored in EFIX/JPEG photos taken on the iPhone with geotagging enabled?

I know that some of this data is viewable in iPhoto, such as latitude, longitude, and altitude, but is there more than this available? More specifically I am wanting to get the direction of the image as well, which is part of the EXIF format. Or…
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2 answers

Storing geo data

Hi I'm using ms sql 2005 to store some latlng data. It is currently being stored in a nvarchar column in the following form - "35.6949965,139.7555035" My questions are. Is this the best way to store this kind of data? If I do store the latlng in…
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1 answer

How to create GeoTagging image / location tagging application for android with google maps using eclipse with ADT

Hello my name is James, I am self-learning how to develop android applications, I have designed few basic apps – to name a few calculator app, notepad, percentage calculator for android. After developing few small basic apps, I am planning on making…
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1 answer

How to discover whether Geo-tagging is enabled with Twitter / MGTwitterEngine?

Using Matt Gemmell's MGTwitterEngine, how would I find out if the user (that i'm logged in as) has geo tagging enabled? According to the Twitter API, there is a 'geo_enabled' boolean flag, but I can't work out how to interrogate it using…
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1 answer

Exif Direction of Picture

I have a bunch of Geotagged pictures that I'm accessing in python using pyexiv2. It's working great except I don't understand what the "GPSImgDirection" value is giving. Basically, it's two great big numbers, for example: 2147483647/8613474 What…
Alex S
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1 answer

Adding Geo tag info to images and upload to server

DESCRIPTION: With two days before deadline I find out and confirmed by Stuart that picture taken with TakePicture method does not save the Geo location. WORKS: 1. The picture is taken with TakePicture and it's saved 2. The lat and lng are…
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2 answers

Getting image metadata in .NET without regards to metadata format

Given a filename, I need to be able to access certain metadata in an image for a (closed source) project I'm currently developing, without regard to how the metadata is stored (that is, Exif, IPTC, or XMP). In particular, I want to access geotagging…
Chris Charabaruk
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2 answers

How do I convert these image EXIF GPS coordinates into Decimal Lat/Lng?

I'm writing some image processing code, and I'm pulling out the GPS coordinates, however they are in some sort of integer array that I can't figure out how to convert to Degree/Minute/Second or Decimal form. Lat:…
Tom Halladay
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2 answers

Extracting latitude and longitude from image Objective c

I'm having a problem while getting the latitude and longitude data from an image(which is having geo location details). I have imported the EXIF framework and I'm using the following code to achieve this: NSData *jpegData =…
Andrews J
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1 answer

RSS to KML Overlay

I'm want to display my blog as a Google Map overlay (each post contains geotags). How can I dynamically create a KML overlay from an RSS? Or better, how can I create a loop (PHP) that would display map placemarks according to given geotags? Thank…
Tomer Lichtash
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