Questions tagged [elastic-stack]

Elastic Stack combines the Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, and the Beats Framework to provide real-time insights of any type of structured or unstructured data.

Elastic Stack combines the , , , and the Beats Framework to provide real-time insights of any type of structured or unstructured data.

In 2015, Elastic introduced the Beats framework (,,) into their stack and decided to rename the ELK Stack to the Elastic Stack

2915 questions
3 answers

How Logstash is different than Kafka

How Log stash is different than Kafka? and if both are same which is better? and How? I found both are the pipelines where one can push the data for further processing.
Chandan Gupta
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6 answers

Docker apps logging with Filebeat and Logstash

I have a set of dockerized applications scattered across multiple servers and trying to setup production-level centralized logging with ELK. I'm ok with the ELK part itself, but I'm a little confused about how to forward the logs to my…
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5 answers

Docker - ELK - vm.max_map_count

I'm trying to use the docker's image elk-docker ( , using Docker Compose. The .yml file, is like this: elk: image: sebp/elk ports: - "5601:5601" - "9200:9200" - "5044:5044" When I run the command: sudo…
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1 answer

Sending Docker container logs to ELK Stack by configuring the logging drivers - Easy Method

I usually run applications as docker containers because of its high flexibility and availability. Is there a way to get the container logs into my logstash server.
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3 answers

Are there conventions for naming/organizing Elasticsearch indexes which store log data?

I'm in the process of setting up Elasticsearch and Kibana as a centralized logging platform in our office. We have a number of custom utilities and plug-ins which I would like to track the usage of and if users are encountering any errors. Not to…
Eric Anastas
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3 answers

Kibana Alternatives

I am having an issue in kibana. It does not show any results in the Discover tab. Please look here for more information. Do we have any Kibana alternatives that the community has used? I searched on the internet and I could find only Head…
Ajit Goel
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4 answers

Logging from Java app to ELK without need for parsing logs

I want to send logs from a Java app to ElasticSearch, and the conventional approach seems to be to set up Logstash on the server running the app, and have logstash parse the log files (with regex...!) and load them into ElasticSearch. Is there a…
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2 answers

How to write comments in Kibana console?

Can you provide me with a hint how to comment out lines in Kibana Dev Tools console? I am interested in comment syntax.
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1 answer

Elasticsearch: No handler for type [keyword] declared on field [hostname]

I get above Mapper Parsing Error on Elasticsearch when indexing log from filebeat. I tried both Filebeat -> Elasticserach and Filebeat -> Logstash -> Elasticsearch approach. I have followed their own documentations, I installed filebeat template as…
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1 answer

How to log from Node.js with Express to ELK?

I have a Node.js server application with Express. I would like to log its activity into ElasticSearch and visualize the logs using Kibana. What would be the right way to do that? Should I write a log file of json lines and read it with Logstash?
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2 answers

Running Elastic without the Trial License

Background: I'm trying to use the Elastic stack (Elastic, Logstash & Kibana), but I have no money to pay. I don't mind using the parts that are closed source, as long as they are free. In this regard, I'm trying to understand how Elastic Licensing…
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3 answers

AWS - subscribe multiple lambda logs to one elasticsearch service

I have two log groups generated by two different lambda. When I subscribe one log group to my elasticsearch service, it is working. However, when I add the other log group I have the following error in the log generated by cloudwatch :…
4 answers

Django server not sending logs to Logstash

I am using ELK stack for centralised logging from my Django server. My ELK stack is on a remote server and logstash.conf looks like this: input { tcp { port => 5959 codec => json } } output { elasticsearch { hosts =>…
Arpit Solanki
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3 answers

Kibana Regular expression search

I am newbie to ELK. I want to search for docs based on order of occurrence of words in a field. For example, In doc1, my_field: "MY FOO WORD BAR EXAMPLE" In doc2, my_field: "MY BAR WORD FOO EXAMPLE" I would like to query in Kibana for docs where…
Krishna Chaitanya
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1 answer

Change type and reindex in Elasticsearch

I recently upgraded my ELK stack (logstash 2.3.4 using redis 3.2.3, Elasticsearch 2.3.5 and Kibana 4.5.4) from (logstash 1.4.1/1.4.2 using redis 2.8.24, Elasticsearch 1.2.2 and Kibana 3.1.1). The upgrade went well but after the upgrade I had some…
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