Questions tagged [gae-module]

The GAE module enables Google App Engine support for your application. It wraps commons GAE services in play basic services whenever possible.

App Engine Modules (or just "Modules" hereafter) let developers factor large applications into logical components that can share stateful services and communicate in a secure fashion. A deployed module behaves like a microservice. By using multiple modules you can deploy your app as a set of microservices, which is a popular design pattern.

For example, an app that handles customer requests might include separate modules to handle other tasks, such as:

  • API requests from mobile devices
  • Internal, admin-like requests
  • Backend processing such as billing pipelines and data analysis
85 questions
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Blobstore upload redirects to wrong module

The Problem When uploading a file using the Go Blobstore API, the success path redirects to the wrong appengine module. Here is a more visual description of the problem: User lands on the upload page of module A:…
3 answers

App Engine Python Modules and channel service

I am using App Engine Modules in my python project. ( I am also using channels in m project: I want…
3 answers

Create Google App Engine Project in Eclipse with Modules

I have been writing a GAE app with Eclipse with Maven as suggested on Recently, I needed to use "backends" or a different set of instances to handle a certain task. I found out that "backends" have been deprecated in favor of…
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GAE/GWT: Error loading modules: Unable to find 'com/androidstartup/serialization/KPadProject.gwt.xml'

I am using Eclipse 3.5 with GAE SDK 1.3.7 and GWT SDK 2.1.0 and Restlet 2.0.3. When I run my app, the console log shows: Loading modules com.androidstartup.serialization.KPadProject [ERROR] Unable to find…
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Can I use TensorFlow in a Google App Engine module?

I have a data processing module as part of my GAE application. TensorFlow has separate installers for Linux and OSX, which indicates to me that it might not play nicely with the GAE sandbox. Is it possible to use TensorFlow in a GAE module?
3 answers

Cannot run Google App Engine custom managed VM: --custom-entrypoint must be set error

PROBLEM DESCRIPTION I am trying to create a custom managed VM for Google App Engine that behaves identically to the standard python27 managed VM provided by Google. (I'm doing this as a first step to adding a C++ library to the runtime). From google…
1 answer

/_ah/start is never called in Go on AppEngine

When I deploy my Go application to GAE, the /_ah/start endpoint is never invoked. When I run the following code, the log does not contain the "STARTING" entry and / does not have the X set. What am I missing? server.go: package main import ( …
Konrad Garus
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How to share sessions between modules on a Google App Engine Java application?

When I store something in the session via HttpSession in module A: HttpSession session = req.getSession(true); session.setAttribute("username", "Eng.Fouad"); then I try to retrieve this information from within module B (during the same browser…
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Why I got over quota error ? google app engine

I have a project in google app engine, I have backend-module which I use to run long backend process. this's the configuration at backend-module.yaml file: module: backend-module version: one runtime: python27 api_version: 1 threadsafe:…
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3 answers

App engine read DataStore data between modules

I have a app divided in 5 modules (see my beautiful ascii art) Each have their own directory, just like this structure AppEngine App <--Here's the dispatch.yaml --------------------- | | | | | | | | | | Mod1 Mod2…
0 answers

Google app engine: ( No default module found.

I am trying to run a service with in google app engine. I used this command to run the local app engine development server gor Go and run the admin service. goapp serve -admin_port 8081 admin But it gives me error of "No default module found.…
1 answer

get_num_instances raises InvalidVersionError

I try to use AppEngine's modules api for python to obtain the number of instances for a module that uses basic scaling. In my module's yaml file I have explicitly set the max_instances parameter. I expect that get_num_instances() will return that…
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Slow Appengine build with Maven and Modules

I just converted my GAE application to using modules and started using maven as well. I used the standard appengine archetype to create the project structure. However, when I run mvn install this takes over a minute to build my project. Most of the…
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Compiled templates with macros do not work on app engine

I use Jinja2 compiled templates and a module loader to load the compiled templates (python code) from the datastore. But when my template contains a macro it does not work on app engine: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable But in the app…
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1 answer

Google App Engine: Disable session middleware for services

I have an app running with session middleware to handle logged on users. This is configured in like this: import datetime from gaesessions import SessionMiddleware import jinja2 # Add session middleware def…
Kristofer Källsbo
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