Questions tagged [gae-module]

The GAE module enables Google App Engine support for your application. It wraps commons GAE services in play basic services whenever possible.

App Engine Modules (or just "Modules" hereafter) let developers factor large applications into logical components that can share stateful services and communicate in a secure fashion. A deployed module behaves like a microservice. By using multiple modules you can deploy your app as a set of microservices, which is a popular design pattern.

For example, an app that handles customer requests might include separate modules to handle other tasks, such as:

  • API requests from mobile devices
  • Internal, admin-like requests
  • Backend processing such as billing pipelines and data analysis
85 questions
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Google App Engine Python - Using same base handler in different modules

I'm converting a python App Engine Application to use modules as described in this article, I would like to use a custom handler as a base class in each of my modules to addd some common…
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GAE channels with java modules

Got an java app consisting of two modules "default" and "abc". "default" contains my web interface which served over https and "abc" is some back end logic which is served over http only. Now, my goal here is to have a web client ("default") opening…
2 answers

Google App Engine modules no datastore access

I have a project consisting of three modules, where the default and one of the background task modules are operating as expected. My third module have the following weird behaviours: No access to the shared data store or memcache. When a task is…
1 answer

Appengine modules dispatch.xml routing with custom domain

I have someone got appengine modules working. i have two modules, app and auth. i have a custom domain say, i want to route to app module, and to auth modules, following is my dispatch.xml file,
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Appengine: call endpoints of another module on the same server

I am working on an App Engine server which has currently 2 modules. I have the default module used for endpoints and the sync module. This second module is used for syncing my server with another. So my sync module gets data from other servers and…
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GAE Python - Some performance settings must be changed via Module configuration files

I've migrated my app to using modules instead of backends. To do so, I followed the instructions on this page: For some reason however, when I go to the App Engine Dashboard and then to…
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Google AppEngine: Python 2.7: How to split request handler up into several files?

I have an application in which I would like to move some of the request handlers into separate files. I've reduced the problem to this simple app which demonstrates it. If I browse the main page, e.g.: http://localhost:12082/ I see 'Hello…
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2 answers

Using Task Queues with the new GAE Modules

I have a GAE application which has an app.yaml that describes the request handlers and uses the deferred extension to put tasks onto a push queue which is targeted at a backend also defined in my application. However, I've seen notices in the GAE…
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How to make a docstring for gae for python router module?

I want to make a docstring for my router module in gae. I also know it must be the first thing in the module (after the file encoding type). The thing is, if you run this module alone you get nothing but an import error (No module named webapp2).…
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GAE instances switching

When client logs in to a system, he gets routed to one instance ( or new one created for him ), my first question during using the system on that instance, will he gets switched/routed to another instance ? If he gets routed, how to prevent that?
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