Questions tagged [google-managed-vm]

Google App Engine Flexible Environments let you run Google App Engine applications on configurable Google Compute Engine VMs. The VM hosting environment offers more flexibility and provides more CPU and memory options.

You can use either standard runtimes or build a custom runtime even with custom operating systems via Dockerfiles to host your application. See the official site for more info.

71 questions
5 answers

How to permanently delete Google managed VMs

I am unable to permanently delete Google App Engine managed VMs I've created. I've deleted them multiple times both from the developer's console and by using the gcloud command. In every case the command completes successfully and the VM is…
1 answer

Google Managed VM error: App Engine service account has insufficient permissions for project

When I edit my appengine-web.xml file to include the requisite settings to deploy my app engine app as a managed vm (via Eclipse or gcloud), and then try to upload it, I get this error: App Engine service account has insufficient permissions for…
1 answer

Time out error when trying to create Google managed vm

I'm trying to create a managed vm for my node 4 application using google custom runtime. I created the following Dockerfile: FROM node:4.2.1 ENV PORT 8080 ADD package.json package.json RUN npm install ADD . . CMD [ "npm", "start" ] Along with…
1 answer

Cron urls get a 403 status on Flexible Environment

We are experimenting with Flexible Environment and we want to migrate an existing application. Everything seems to go well except from cron entries. We have a bunch of cron and every url is secured as admin" (as stated in the documentation), but…
2 answers

Managed VM Deployment hangs on "Copying certificates for secure access..."

I'm running the following command to deploy my Managed VMs app (on Windows 10): gcloud preview app deploy app.yaml --project= --promote The deployment starts bug hangs on the following line: Copying certificates for secure access. You may…
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Cannot run Google App Engine custom managed VM: --custom-entrypoint must be set error

PROBLEM DESCRIPTION I am trying to create a custom managed VM for Google App Engine that behaves identically to the standard python27 managed VM provided by Google. (I'm doing this as a first step to adding a C++ library to the runtime). From google…
1 answer

Unable to update VM with nodejs app on Google App Engine

When I try to deploy from the gcloud CLI I get the following error. Copying files to Google Cloud Storage... Synchronizing files to [gs://]. Updating module [default]...\Deleted…
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How does logging in managed VMs work?

I'm reading Google's docs on logging in managed VMs, and they're rather thin on detail, and I have more questions than answers after reading: Files in /var/log/app_engine/custom_logs are picked up automatically it says – is this path pre-existing…
Marcus Stade
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What is `/_ah/background` with Google Flex VM

Started using Google Flex Vms recently and in the logs there are multiple requests to /_ah/background that last ~1 hour each time. The only reference to these I could find is this question which mentions they have to do with background threads but I…
1 answer

How do I use Google Datastore MultiQueryBuilder to load all Entities of a Kind?

I need to bulk-load all entities in a table. (They need to be in memory rather than loaded as-needed, for high-speed on-demand graph-traversal algorithms.) I need to parallelize this for speed in loading. So, I want to run multiple queries in…
Joshua Fox
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Managed VM Issue? Frequently found error log about VmApiProxyDelegate (using Datastore API, TaskQueue API) on AppEngine Managed VM instance

I'm using the Google AppEngine Managed VM/Java since March 2015. Everything is work well. But after September, October 2015, I noticed I 've seen the error log of "" in Managed VM instance log…
3 answers

Problems with Push Queues on Google App Engine Managed VM / Flexible Environment

I am having trouble with using Push Queues on Google App Engine's Flexible Environment (formally named, their Managed VM Environment). I am receiving numerous 404 Instance Unavailable (see picture below). After a bit of sleuthing, I believe these…
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gcloud compute copy-file - no such file or directory

for the following command gcloud compute copy-files c:/localfile.js loggeduser@instance-name:/resources/js --zone us-central-1 pscp: unable to open /resources/js: no such file or directory What should be the correct remote destination path to upload…
1 answer

GAE Java Flexible env 502 bad gateway

Just migrated to app engine flexible env for a java app which was running fine on standard env till now for last 3 years. Encountered 502 bad gateway for a servlet call. Here is the short description - Similar…
1 answer

WebSocket WS SSL

I'm using Google App Engine/Managed VMs to develop a nodeJS application using web sockets. As part of the app, the front end needs to connect using Websockets e.g. connection = new WebSocket('wss://'); The bit that I'm struggling with…
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