Questions tagged [gae-module]

The GAE module enables Google App Engine support for your application. It wraps commons GAE services in play basic services whenever possible.

App Engine Modules (or just "Modules" hereafter) let developers factor large applications into logical components that can share stateful services and communicate in a secure fashion. A deployed module behaves like a microservice. By using multiple modules you can deploy your app as a set of microservices, which is a popular design pattern.

For example, an app that handles customer requests might include separate modules to handle other tasks, such as:

  • API requests from mobile devices
  • Internal, admin-like requests
  • Backend processing such as billing pipelines and data analysis
85 questions
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Failed to start transcaction when converting backends into modules

I am trying to convert Google Web Application to EAR application (backends into modules).I have created EAR Project and dynamic Web projects for modules. I have added old front-end code to the default module & back-ends code to the other modules.…
0 answers

How to share ManagedBean with SessionScoped across GAE modules

I'm using GAE (version 1.9.14) with modules ( I believe each modules will have it own session. Anyone know how can I share the ManagedBean with SessionScoped across GAE modules (i.e cross…
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Appengine module: How to route error_handlers to non default module?

I am referring to the set up custom error responses for Google Appengine as described in the documentation for Configuring with app.yaml particulary on the following code: error_handlers - error_code: default file: default_error.html -…
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2 answers

Appengine Python DevServer Module Background Thread 500 Error

I'm on version 1.9.9 of the SDK and I'm having issues with the devserver. I have a manually scaled module with 1 instance. I created a webapp2.RequestHandler for /_ah/start. In that handler I start a background thread. When I run my app in the…
2 answers

GAE: Cannot set admin login credential for module http requests

I am following this Google developers documentation It mentions that one can configure a module to accept requests from other modules by adding the admin specification to the…
2 answers

Is it possible to use appengine modules and and cloud endpoints?

Using appengine modules implies creating dynamic web application instead of the usual appengine web application project. Cloud endpoints work well with the usual appengine Web Application projects, but these do not support appengine modules. The…
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Updating a Google App Engine module

When I try to update my Google App Engine module, I get an error saying that the name and version are already in use (which they are, I'm trying to UPDATE). I've tried updating the whole EAR as well as just the module that I want to update, but both…
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2 answers

GAE Python - Cron job doesn't execute on the target module

I've just implemented modules on GAE and am trying to run a Cron job from a certain module. My app.yaml has following values at the top: application: myapp module: default version: 1 runtime: python27 api_version: 1 threadsafe: true handlers: #all…
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1 answer

How to load a basic module from a cron job

I am having trouble loading my GAE module. My cron.yaml: cron: - description: call frontend instance to call module url: /callLoadAndProcess schedule: every day 01:00 timezone: America/New_York Then the relevant part of my app.yaml: - url:…
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1 answer

Can two GWT modules in the same project access the same database on GAE?

I'm planning to divide my GWT project into two different modules. In my project I'm using the Google Datastore. The question is if the two modules will be able to access the same Datastore or not (I would like them to). Thanks!
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Google App Engine doesn't find local python module

For some reason when I uploaded my app engine project yesterday (before this, everything worked fine), it can't find one of my .py files/modules. My directory is as follows: app_directory/ gaesessions/ lib/ httplib2/ …
Evan Layman
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How to make a module accessible for all applications including GAE deployment process

I have a Python module containing some utils that all my GAE applications may use. I created it myself. It is n a separate folder and I sometimes want to update its code, make refactorings etc. Every application I create, can take use functions from…
Sergei Basharov
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Undoing a routes deploy

I had some existing GAE services configured with their dispatch routes. I wanted to add a dispatch route to a new service. So, I executed the following command gcloud app deploy dispatch.yml on this file dispatch: - url: "/eth/*" …
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1 answer

error when I tried to install locally the modules Gae and Siena on play framework 1.4.3

I'm working with Play framework v1.4.3 and when trying to install locally the modules gae and siena using the install command: play install gae play install siena this throws an error HTTP 403: Log error: ~ _ _ ~ _ __ | | __ _ _…
1 answer

Run function after task retry limit reached google app engine

I have the code like below: Queue queue = QueueFactory.getDefaultQueue(); queue.add(TaskOptions.Builder.withRetryOptions( RetryOptions.Builder .withTaskRetryLimit(0))); With this code the task will…
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