Questions tagged [firefox-quantum]

Firefox Quantum is the code name for Firefox 57, which introduced a new user interface to Firefox called Photon, a new CSS engine called Stylo, and many speed improvements in comparison to previous versions of the browser.

61 questions
2 answers

Right floated element disappears when using columns in Firefox

I am using an ol element with column-count and column-gap properties to display the list in 2 columns. Each list item has a span element floated right, which does not get displayed for some items such as 3 and 4 in the image below. Firefox column…
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Dropdown list (select/option) not working on Firefox mobile (with touch)

I've recently noticed that my dropdown lists stopped working on Firefox mobile browser. I've done a simple example in a fiddle:…
2 answers

Is it possible to see Layers in Firefox?

How can I obtain the same or similar effect in Firefox as in Chrome devtools's Layers tab? I'd like to see what layers exist on a page and their dimensions. It looks like FF had such feature ("3D view") but it was discontinued. I've found and tried…
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JQuery on Web Extensions APIs

Is it able to import and use JQuery on Firefox Web Extension? I've tried this on manifest.json "background":{ "scripts": ["views/jquery.js", "startup.js"] }, "permissions": [ "storage" ], "browser_action": { "browser_style": true, "default_title":…
2 answers

Firefox Quantum - user-agent incorrect?

My Firefox was just updated to Quantum and looks like user-agent is incorrect. It's now: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; rv: Gecko/20060426 Firefox/ All websites, also, show me "Your browser version is old, please…
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4 answers

How to access the search bar in a Firefox 57+ ("Quantum") web extension

I try to write my very first webextension, following this tutorial. I wrote a manifest.json and added a background script as I want to provide global functionality: I want to clear the search bar once the search was performed - basically it's this,…
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The hover action for a browser action popup for a webextensions add-on stays partially highlighted after hover release

I'm working on a webextension and I have a new problem ever since I upgraded to firefox quantum: The popup menu for my extension messes up the hover by staying partially highlighted. . As you can see in the gif, the first element remains partially…
1 answer

Can a file be saved to an absolute path with WebExtensions?

I've recently got started with FireFox's WebExtensions library as the legacy extensions were removed with the Quantum update. My problem is that I need to save files to an absolute path from a context menu, but FF's downloads API only provides…
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Why is my CSS rule not applied in Firefox Quantum? Does is have CSS rules limits?

Recently I had an issue with new Firefox Quantum that is so annoying. it seems like IE 6-9 css rule limits, like these: Any rules after the first 4,095 are ignored. Any stylesheets included via @import, or , are ignored after the first 31. @import…
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Was the window.print support removed by Firefox Quantum?

I use in angular 1.6.6 in a controller the call $window.print(); Its does work with ie, firefox and chrome but its does not work with firefox quantum at an lenovo tablet. Has firefox quantum removed the print function? Could firefox quantum only…
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What new technology is in Firefox Quantum and (possibly) not other browsers?

So I've been seeing a lot of buzz lately around Firefox Quantum and claims on it's major performance improvements on previous versions as well as verses the competition. I am interested to know the technological differences, I can recall talks of…
2 answers

Firefox Quantum responsive design mode: settings for align left & default size?

I just upgraded to firefox quantum and am unhappy with the changes to responsive design mode. I can't find any settings to configure things manually, and I'm wondering if I'm missing something. 1) The responsive window is now centered in the…
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Python code to automatically update CC Cleaner & Adobe Flash Player

Recently in the last few months my computer has been constantly telling me to update the flash player, CCleaner is Always out of date & there is usually an update to be done to Bleachbit or Nvidia. I know that used to do…
Ryan Stone
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My SVG elements are not clickable anymore with Firefox Quantum 67.0

I have an SVG file. There are elements that can be clicked and can call functions from a JavaScript file when clicked. It works perfectly with Google Chrome, IE and earlier versions of Firefox. But I cannot make it work with Firefox 67 or later. I…
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1 answer

new Websocket() return wrong object in Firefox Quantum

I'm using Firefox Quantum (64.0) and the JS command new WebSocket() returns a different object from the specification: MDN Websocket HTML Standard The missing property that is affecting my appllication is the .close() function, but there is another…
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