Questions tagged [firefox-quantum]

Firefox Quantum is the code name for Firefox 57, which introduced a new user interface to Firefox called Photon, a new CSS engine called Stylo, and many speed improvements in comparison to previous versions of the browser.

61 questions
2 answers

CSS doesn't block rendering on Firefox Quantum

With Firefox Quantum I noticed a "glitch" on loading the CSS of some websites. One of these is my company's website: Or Github too: In the first one, we have only one CSS file in the section of our pages. It seems that - only in Firefox…
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Firefox 57 / Quantum: emulate print styles

How can I emulate the media type "print" in the new Firefox Quantum dev console? Tried to enable it somehow and searched the documentation but couldn't find any hints!
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1 answer

How to auto expand json view in Firefox Quantum Developer Edition?

As title. For example, when i go to, the json array is like this How can I make it all automatically expanded? So that I can view everything at once instead of expanding it 1 by 1. Thanks.
Jacob Goh
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Firefox quantum, disable search in address field

I've been looking everywhere but cannot find a way to disable the search from the Address field in the Firefox Quantom. No problem adding a search bar, but that doesn't negate the search from the address bar. I'm currently on 57.0.3.
Chris O
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Firefox Quantum (57) UI Close/delete button Hide

Since updating firefox we now have small (x) buttons appearing in the input as part of firefox's UI controls. Is there any way I can hide/remove these buttons using css? You can see this on the firefox input date webpage on mozilla…
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Firefox Quantum Private browser not loading scripts added by javascript

I'm trying to accommodate GDPR by not loading our analytics scripts until the user consents. The way I'm doing it works as expected in every browser we support but FF Quantum's private browsing window. (If it helps, it works as expected in Chrome…
Dave Maison
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5 answers

Firefox Quantum REST client?

Pre-version 57 of Firefox had many wonderful add-ons for REST API testing. These REST clients no longer work with Firefox Quantum. While I found some simple, pre 1.0 add-ons in Quantum (click here for example), my hunch is that there must be…
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4 answers

placeholder fully not visible for input type number on firefox when using certain font family

input[type="number"] field does not showing the placeholder text in latest firefox for certain font family like font-family: 'Open Sans';. The current version is Firefox Quantum 57.0.2 (64-bit) Still don't know some font family have no such…
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How to make GM_getValue existent in Greasemonkey on Firefox?

The dupe candidate is for previous GM versions. The problem is likely somewhere around the different scopes where the userscripts can run, as described here. However, as described here, this functionality is currently undocumented for Greasemonkey…
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1 answer

Cannot set a breakpoint on Angular application

On Firefox Quantum (57.0 64-bit), when I try to set a breakpoint on an Angular application using the Debugger pane, the breakpoint immediately disappear and it is not actually set. See a video of the behavior here: For…
0 answers

Use FireFox screenshot function from javascript

For the company I work at, I have to develop an addon that takes screenshots of the page and then puts a watermark on it with a timestamp. Is it possible to use Firefox's own screenshot function from within JavaScript? I know you can type…
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firefox pick page action icon for dark / light themes

I'm writing a web extension works on firefox. I want my icon works similar to the behavior of Firefox built in "Take a screenshot". The screenshot icon appeared in different colors when it shown in light theme / dark theme / in the menu. I just…
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open xml urls with firefox quantum

Since firefox 57 I cannot open xml files anymore: while old firefoxes renders the xmls showing the structure reindenting e formatting the source, now I see a blank page. Yes, I know I can show the sources and access the "raw" xml, but it's all in…
Vito De Tullio
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2 answers

Conditional CSS rule targeting Firefox Quantum

We are having issues targeting Firefox Quantum when it comes to CSS. We know that the following: @-moz-document url-prefix() { .my-style{ } } ...will target all Firefox browsers, but we just want to target Firefox Quantum, since there are…
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1 answer

Why calling a function in generator runs faster?

function* test() { console.time("function-call") loop(); console.timeEnd("function-call"); console.time("in-function"); var i, j; i = 0; while (i < 10000) { j = 0; while (j < 10000) { j++ } i++; …
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