Questions tagged [updates]

[Instead of using this tag, please use the appropriate tag for the software and/or library in question] Updates can refer to the modification of data or configuration by an application, process, or service, or can refer to the modification of software by a process. This tag seems fairly useless, as most software engages in updating something most of the time.

3561 questions
31 answers

How do I update or sync a forked repository on GitHub?

I forked a project, applied several fixes and created a pull request which was accepted. A few days later, another change was made by another contributor. So my fork doesn't contain that change. How can I get that change into my fork? Do I need to…
Lea Hayes
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8 answers

Update a dataframe in pandas while iterating row by row

I have a pandas data frame that looks like this (its a pretty big one) date exer exp ifor mat 1092 2014-03-17 American M 528.205 2014-04-19 1093 2014-03-17 American M 528.205 2014-04-19 1094 2014-03-17 …
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4 answers

Understanding PrimeFaces process/update and JSF f:ajax execute/render attributes

What exactly are process and update in PrimeFaces p:commandXxx components and execute and render in f:ajax tag? Which works at the time of validation? What does update attribute do rather than updating value to component from back end? Do process…
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4 answers

How long does it take for GitHub page to show changes after changing index.html

I am just wondering how long does it take for GitHub page to show the new items that I have added to the repository. I changed index.html but after 10 minutes it still showed up the previous page...
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1 answer

Android app starts updating with cordova-webintent and force stops

Steps: I Opened the android application (built with cordova) Then I called cordova-webintent for installing updates I pressed Install and it starts installing, but after a few seconds, the app force stops and shuts instead of installing and…
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3 answers

What will happen to the SharedPreferences on update an Android App?

I've stored user settings in the SharedPreferences in my App. What will happen with the SharedPreferences when I update the App via Google Play Store to a new version of the App? Will the SharedPrefernces still be there after the update or will they…
Bruno Bieri
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2 answers

How often do Chrome extensions automatically update?

When I push a new version of a Chrome extension to the Chrome Web Store, how long will it take for the updated version to reach current users? I pushed an update about six hours ago, but the extension hasn't updated for me yet. The Chrome docs are…
Joe Mornin
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3 answers

What does conda do when "solving environment"

Whenever I run conda install/remove/update , it tells me it's "Solving environment" for some time before telling me the list of things it's going to download/install/update. Presumably it's looking for dependencies for , but why…
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12 answers

Can't update Android Studio - only download

I have not updated my Android Studio for a while and am presented with this dialog box when trying to update: Usually there is an "update and restart" option, but not here. The only option is "Download" which directs me here where I can only…
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3 answers

Laravel: how to create a function After or Before save|update

I need to generate a function to call after or before save() or update() but i don't know how to do. I think I need a callback from save() update() but I don't know how to do. Thanks
Daniele Longheu
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3 answers

Node.js setup for easy deployment and updating

We're currently developing a website (TYPO3 under Apache) for a customer that is supported by a node.js/ application that provides realtime updates to the content served from the CMS. As this is our first node.js project I don't have any…
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8 answers

Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 2.1.1 upgrade "Blocked by project"

I'm trying to upgrade a .net core 2.1 project to the latest version of Nuget packages such as Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions 2.1.1. However this is blocked by the package reference Microsoft.NETCore.App, when I try to upgrade…
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3 answers

Update single field using spring data jpa

I'm using spring-data's repositories - very convenient thing but I faced an issue. I easily can update whole entity but I believe it's pointless when I need to update only a single field: @Entity @Table(schema = "processors", name =…
Dmitrii Borovoi
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4 answers

How to know when a web page was last updated?

How can you detect when somebody else's web page was last updated (or was changed)?
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13 answers

Update PyCharm on Linux

Could you please clarify to me correct way to update PyCharm on Linux? Is it impossible to update PyCharm internally? In help > check for update I can just download a new archive. Should I remove previous folder with PyCharm and unpack new or I…
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