Questions tagged [firefox-quantum]

Firefox Quantum is the code name for Firefox 57, which introduced a new user interface to Firefox called Photon, a new CSS engine called Stylo, and many speed improvements in comparison to previous versions of the browser.

61 questions
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Using "xbindkeys" and "xdotool" to set fullscreen on firefox 60.1.0esr

My intention is to know if there is a way to set firefox-60.1.0 in fullscreen mode once it is opened to act as a kiosk, but using the Xbindkeys and Xdotool programs. Note: I've already performed some tests, that's why I changed a little bit the…
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How can I tell Selenium Webdriver on Firefox Quantum to use a proxy with auth and port?

I have tried pretty much every way mentioned on SO and the docs and failed. Specifically, I'm using WebdriverJS through Node.js. I'd want a way to programatically make Firefox-Quantum use a proxy, which requires auth and port (i.e…
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How to disable CORS today with Firefox Quantum?

I tried setting this flag to false, but it doesn't work... security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy I'm using Firefox Quantum 61.0.1 Any clue? Regards
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FOSS alternative to iMacros for Firefox Quantum?

I hope this is the right SE forum for this... I considered SuperUser, but OTOH iMacros scripts do distinctly involve programming. I'm currently stuck with Firefox 55 because FF 57 ("Quantum") notoriously broke various add-ons, including iMacros as…
mike rodent
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Why is XMLHttpRequest upload not failing properly in Firefox?

I'm implementing a file uploader where a user can upload one or more files, using XMLHttpRequest. I'm not using fetch as I need to be able to provide visual feedback on upload progress to the user. The problem I'm having occurs when the server stops…
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PHP How to log to "FireFox Quantum" Developer Web Console from php script

I use FireBug before FireFox updated to Quantum. I use FB::info and FB::log from FirePHP but now it not working. Now i again need such debugging tool. Is there a way to log from php script to FireFox Quantum Web Developer Console
Vasilij Altunin
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modules[moduleId] from webpack is undefined in Firefox Quatum 58.0b16

I'm getting a strange error from webpack in my prod environment in the following line only on FF. I've tried Chrome, Safari and there are no issues. function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { ... // Execute the module function …
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Browsing Swagger hosted on IIS Express not working using Firefox Quantum

Has anyone else seen an issue with the new Firefox Quantum Browser when trying to browse Swagger on localhost using IISExpress? OS: Windows 10 IDE: Visual Studio 2017 Broswer: Firefox Quantum 57.0.2 (64-bit) The application that I am working on is…
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Is there Firefox legacy-specific CSS that doesn't apply to Firefox Quantum?

I have some CSS that uses some browser specific CSS. For Firefox I use: @-moz-document in front of my selector so only Firefox will use the CSS. However, the new Firefox Quantum is also using that CSS even though it renders CSS differently than…
Jedediah Smith
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Rendering issue with Firefox 57 (Quantum)

We have gotten some reports and also experienced this ourselves that on random occasions (maybe every third or fourth request) on our "apps pages" the page just becomes extremely long and the "footer" isn't loaded. So for example on…
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SVG path drawing truncated in Firefox

I have used a pure css and svg toggle switch checkbox taken from here and =it worked perfectly on all browsers, until my Firefox was updated to the new Firefox Quantum (version 57.0), in which half of the switch was not drawn. My vectoring skills…
Yuval Perelman
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Firefox Quantum Developer Tools Theme

I know you can change to Dark Theme, Light Theme or Firebug in Firefox Quantum. But I have it on Dark theme but don't like the color theme syntax of that theme. Is there a way to change it to Monokai or Material color scheme? Thanks
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Firefox uprade issue

My Firefox just upgraded itself to Firefox Quantum and now when I develop I can't seem to be able to find where are the parameters of the form that I POST. Anyone had this issue yet?
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Firefox quantum(version-68.0.1) issue when upload one file then reload tab automatically and upload same file multiple time

We are facing one issue when we upload a file from website. It's working fine on chrome and Firefox older(version 60.8.0) version but when we try to upload file from Firefox (version-68.0.1) then browser tab automatically reload multiple time and…
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How to fix dropdown menu not working in Firefox quantum

I have a dropdown menu on my website which is not working with Firefox Quantum but works when using Safari or Chrome. Here is a link to the page, it is the "select a size for your print" which is not working:…
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