Questions tagged [firefox-quantum]

Firefox Quantum is the code name for Firefox 57, which introduced a new user interface to Firefox called Photon, a new CSS engine called Stylo, and many speed improvements in comparison to previous versions of the browser.

61 questions
0 answers

Application was working in Firefox 52 but in Firefox 61 it gets freeze showing error

Whenever I am running my application in the latest Firefox Quantum 61 browser it gets frozen and I am receiving this message on a yellow line: A WEB PAGE IS SLOWING DOWN YOUR BROWSER. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? The same application is working fine…
2 answers

Script not running in Firefox, but ran in Chrome

I made a script to register the thumb scroll wheel event (MX Master 2S if you're wondering). However, this script ran perfectly fine in Chrome, but not in Firefox (Quantum). Why is that so? var expression =…
2 answers

Can't execute content script functions of an extension in the Firefox Quantum console

I'm developing a WebExtension compatible with chrome and FF, but in firefox I'm not able to see the variables or functions of the content scripts in the console. In chrome you can change the scope of the console to see what your extension sees. Is…
1 answer

Any way to enable full styling of :visited links in firefox?

I want to enable opacity change of visited links for personal use in my local browser only, for a userscript. Is there any hidden setting for this?
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SendKeys in firefox quantum using selenium

I have been trying to press (CTRL + ALT + 'f') after selecting a WebElement using selenium 3.5 on firefox quantum. This is the code I have written : WebElement ele = m_driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".tm-project-name"));; Actions act…
1 answer

Outline in FireFox Quantum gets expanded by child divs

I stumbled across a strange behaviour in FireFox Quantum, where the outline of a div seems to be expandable by absolute positioned child divs:
hello outline …
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Is not valid use "window.addEventListener('load', function(){});" on my Web extension script?

My web extension was working pretty fine a month ago, but now this is not working anymore. What usually do my addon? I am injecting a bar on every web page that the user is opening. What is doing right now? Nothing; I can install my extension but I…
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CSS alignment issues from Firefox version 57 onward

I have a webpage and one of the element in it had the following style: { width: 100%; min-width : 100%; height : 30px; } This was working perfectly with all the zoom options in Firefox versions prior to 57. But with Firefox version 57 and…
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Firefox quantum browser cursor bugs

Cursor appears in strange places Near inputs In the preferences
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Show firefox 57 tab bar on nav-bar hover

I am trying to edit the userChrome.css file to by default hide the tab bar on FF 57 and did it using the following code #TabsToolbar { visibility: collapse !important; } and I want the tab bar to be visible only when I hover over the nav-bar…
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background-size: cover not working in Firefox Quantum

I recently restructured the page layout of my site to reduce the amount of wrapper
s needed. All is fine and dandy except for Firefox. I previously had a
that was the size of the browser viewport and contained all page content. This
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Animation issue on Firefox Quantum

I noticed an issue with animations on the new Firefox Quantum. When you first load a page with some animated elements display: none;, when a script switches it to .display = "block"; you will miss the entire animation, or some parts of it at the…
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How do I make Firefox console group repeat outputs?

I recently switched to Firefox Quantum Developer from Chrome and I notice that duplicate log messages aren't collapsed like they are in Chrome: How would I make this all show as one, like this Edit: It seems that it does this for some outputs but…
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I really miss the tab groups addon that I used to use before Firefox Quantum was released. Anyone know if there's a replacement addon in the works?

When Firefox Quantum was released the tab groups addon that I've been using for a long time stopped working. Is there an addon already out there that provides tab groups that is compatible with Firefox Quantum? Or is there one in the works?
1 answer

Driver error in Firefox Quantum with Selenium and XUL

Version: Ubuntu 16.04 Mozilla Firefox 58.0 Selenium-3.7.0 Example code: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from selenium import webdriver profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile() profile.set_preference("browser.privatebrowsing.autostart",…