Questions tagged [firebird-3.0]

For questions specific to Firebird 3.0. It is advisable to also tag with firebird.

Firebird 3.0 is the latest release of the Firebird database server.

Notable new features

  • Unified executable
  • Improved SMP support for SuperServer
  • Encrypted wire protocol
  • Per-database configuration
  • Multiple security databases
  • Improved SQL user management
  • BOOLEAN data type
  • IDENTITY support
  • PSQL packages
  • PSQL functions
  • DDL triggers
  • SQL Window (or analytical) functions


See also

174 questions
0 answers

Firebird3.0 security3.fdb get corrupted/edited everyday resulting "isc_attach_database failed"

We are using software that works on top of Firebird. It was all fine until work-from-home started. There where issues with firebird 2.5.x and connections that after some time people could not connect anymore. The software manufacture hint us that we…
Michal Sapsa
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1 answer

Safe to clean out C:\ProgramData\firebird folder when FB offline?

Is it safe to clean out the contents of the C:\ProgramData\firebird folder, i.e. wipe it, when the Firebird service (superserver, v3.0) is not running? I understand that it contains lock tables etc. so should not be touched while FB is running. But…
1 answer

Fast SQL returning AVG for multiple column-condition pairs

Let's suppose there's a table like this: --------------------------------------------------------------------- | id | val_1 | val_2 | ... | val_n | attr_1 | attr_2 | ... | attr_n…
Old Skull
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2 answers

After downgrading database FB3 to FB2.5 - no permission for read/select access to DATABASE

I'm getting error "no permission for read/select access to DATABASE" when I try to connect to a Firebird database with a user different than SYSDBA, lets say user SOM. If I create a new database with SYSDBA on the same server, then grant access to…
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0 answers

cursor firebird move some rows tableA to tableB

I want to move specific lines (some fields) from a tableA to a tableB by deleting these rows from tableA. I use Delphi version Rio with FireDAC with Firebird RDMBS. I use a procedure to move and delete a single line I can not use this cursor to…
0 answers

How to format an output in a csv file using isql Firebird 3.04?

I wrote the following script to select data from a database and save it in a csv file using isql: OUTPUT temp/filename.csv FORMAT csv DELIMITED BY ';'; SELECT dept_no, department, location FROM department; I got the following result in the csv…
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1 answer

Is a connection pool for Firebird embedded pointless?

I am creating an application server using firebird 3 embedded for the database. A connection pool usually speeds up things for short connections that make one transaction and disconnect. But does this also apply for embedded firebird where no…
1 answer

How to get total unused pages from firebird nbackup

I'm using firebird nbackup method to backup my database by using this code: nbackup -u systemdab -p masterskeys -B 0 DB01.FDB DB01.NBK After complete backup, the size is smaller than original size. It might be caused of removing unused pages (I'm…
JK Ainz
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2 answers

FirebirdSql Error occurred during login, please check server firebird.log for details

I am trying to connect and read data from Firebird database using the FirebirdSQL .net provider (using FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient). Here is the code: FbConnection viewdataConnection=new FbConnection(); viewdataConnection.ConnectionString =…
Vikas Kottari
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1 answer

How to manually perform a Firebird client-only install?

I'm trying to install Firebird client on a Windows client without using the installer. Version on the server is the following: C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_3_0>gfix -z gfix version WI-V3.0.4.33054 Firebird 3.0 I found this…
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1 answer

How to replace only whole words using Firebird?

I need to write an SQL text for replacing only entire words. For "whole word" I mean all occurrences which are not part of another alphanumeric word. Example: Replacing 'abc' with 'xyz' | MYFIELD | | 'test abc test' | | 'abctest' | | 'testabctest'…
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0 answers

Getting percentage of a number with 5 decimal points

I am working on a inventory table with a field of Estimated Years Life of the item. I would like to get the % Month Depreciation of the Estimated Years Life field. SUPPLY_TABLE Field SUPPLY_ITEM SUPPLY_LIFEYEARS …
Don Juan
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1 answer

firebird3.0.service failed because the control process exited with error code. How to start firebird?

I'm working with firebird3.0 database suddenly my database is stopped working and when i have checked server status by $ /etc/init.d/firebird3.0 status i see server is stopped ● firebird3.0.service - Firebird Database Server ( SuperServer ) …
0 answers

How to retrieve Chinese language data from Firebird DB?

We have a Firebird DB with a large number of tables and data. Which has to support both English and Chinese languages. While retrieving the Chinese data from the DB, the data is automatically converted to some other format like this (è¿åŠ¨åž‹).…
Kathir Subramaniam
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2 answers

is there any way to pivot rows to columns dynamically without a specific no of columns in firebird

I need a way to display my data from rows to columns dynamically using sql. My row no. starts from 0 to N and I want to convert it to columns. I cannot use static column to match my requirement because the maximum no of rows changes every time…
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