Questions tagged [firebird-embedded]

Variant of the Firebird database client library that also includes the database server, packed into a single dll or so file. Use this tags for questions about Firebird embedded. It is advisable to also tag with Firebird

Special variant of the Firebird client library that also includes the server. Each Firebird server release also has a release package for Firebird embedded, see the downloads page of a Firebird release.

The major difference between the Server and Embedded versions is the lack of authentication/protection on the database.

The features of embedded are useful for developers wanting to create easy to distribute single-user applications that do not need security.

See also

89 questions
2 answers

Is it possible to extend Firebird table name length?

I'm a Firebird newbie here. I'm trying to use Firebird Embedded from an ASP.Net application. Everything connects fine but I'm running into problems with the length of column names. I'm trying to create a table named…
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How do I create a Firebird database file programmatically?

How do I create a Firebird database file programmatically? I've written code using SQLite (C# .NET, System.Data.SQLite) ... decided to try Firebird. To install Firebird: Windows 7 -> Visual Studio 2013 -> File -> New -> Project, etc. ----------…
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Firebird .NET provider and embedded server 3

I'm trying to use .NET Firebird Provider to connect to the embedded FB 3.0.1 server. As far as I know, (also written here (page 6)), there is no more fbclient.dll\fbembed.dll but a single client fbclient.dll used for remote and embedded access. But…
4 answers

Choosing database and licensing for Delphi application

We have Delphi XE2. We are looking for a database for our application. We have tried Absolute Database and it supports most of SQL commands we need. I see most of Delphi users choose Firebird but it seems to hard to work with. I am so much confused…
3 answers

Embedded server application has stopped working after exit

I have an application that stores some data in firebird database. I'm using an embedded firebird server and EntityFramework and all works greatfully but when I close my app by x button on form I get a windows system message "application has stopped…
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Connect from multiple applications to one firebird database via embedded dll

I am relatively new to database programming. I use firebird 2.5 with IBPP. I have at least two applications using the sampe firebird database. I want to connect with the embedded variant (fbembedded.dll, icudt30.dll, icuc30.dll), since it will be a…
3 answers

How do you deploy two or more applications that use Firebird Embedded databases on the same machine?

Suppose I have three separate applications called MyPasswordManager, MyToolManager and MyMovieManager. Each of these applications uses a Firebird Embedded database. If a customer buys all three of my aplications and installs them on his/her…
1 answer

How to easily determine version of .fdb-file (Firebird database)

When looking at a .fdb-database of a proprietary software (probably using Firebird Embedded), how can I determine which version of Firebird I need to setup? The only way I can currently imagine is by having a look with a hex viewer at 'ODS-version'…
Manuel Arwed Schmidt
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Retrieve Firebird ODS version in .Net

I am using firebird embedded v 2.5 and the .net FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient. I need to be able to retrieve the ODS version for a given database. I have tried: private string GetOds(FbConnection connection) { using (var cmd = new FbCommand()) …
2 answers

New embedded Firebird, code first, EF6 project results in SerializationException

I'm trying to set up Firebird with EF6 as an embedded server for a simple app I'm writing but haven't been able to get it to work. I have a CLI project which is the app and the DAL project which is the DB. I added the NuGet packages to both and…
1 answer

What is the use of firebird.msg in firebird database

I am thinking of using Firebird with my application. I want to know what the firebird.msg file is used for. Is it an optional or mandatory file to include in your application installer package?
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How to distribute a Python program with embedded Firebird SQL for Linux and Windows

Summary: What is the best (easiest, most flexible, simplest) way to redistribute a Firebird SQL database with Python code in a way that end users can use it without going to the trouble of installing and maintaining Firebird? Background (somewhat…
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Standalone web2py-DAL with Pyramid - requests, threads and memory

I'm building an app on Pyramid framework and would like to use the web2py-DAL with it. Firebird-embedded is the database of choice. That works great until I try to call multiple views from one web page asynchronously. Different errors like "Invalid…
0 answers

Firebird Embedded with .NET Core on macOS

I'm trying to get the Firebird Embedded working in a simple .NET Core (2.1) console application scenario. My project file looks like this: Exe
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How to use events on an Embedded Firebird database connection?

If I connect to an embedded Firebird database, and create a remote event, I get System.NotSupportedException: Specified method is not supported.. on the constructor. _fbRemoteEvent = new FbRemoteEvent(_fbConnection); //_fbConnection is valid and…
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