Questions tagged [anydac] - Firebird, SQLite, Advantage, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, DB2, ODBC, dbExpress high-speed data access components for Delphi.

AnyDAC was developed by DA-SOFT Technologies and is an unique set of Universal Data Access Components for developing database applications on Delphi, C++Builder and FreePascal.

AnyDAC enables native high-speed direct access from Delphi to Firebird, SQLite, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2, SQL Anywhere, Advantage DB, Interbase, Access, Informix and more.

In 2013 AnyDAC was sold to Embarcadero, renamed FireDAC and limited to only support Delphi platform.


40 questions
3 answers

How can I abort deletion of record based on decisions after dbnavigator delete button pressed?

Can I abort deletion of record based on decisions after dbnavigator delete button pressed? I checked beforeAction Event if Button = nbDelete then //check if not OK then Button := nbCancel; but it doesn't work. Any Help? I'm using DelPhi XE2,…
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1 answer

Assignment error when assign value to parameter of a parametized query

I'm using Delphi XE2 with AnyDac Components and Advantage Database 10. In my code I'm using parametrized querys like this: q.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM Table1 ' + 'LEFT JOIN Table2 ON (Table1.ID = Table1 .ID_Table2) ' + 'WHERE ' + ':0 BETWEEN…
2 answers

How to enable wirecompression on Firebird 3.0

I work with Firebird and Delphi, I want to implement access via internet with wirecompression; But I am unable to activate it. I have followed the steps inside this document for the new parameter(one of the few I was able to find) How to enable…
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AnyDac aka FireDac cannot generate update query

I was using UniDac for a long time now and decided to move on to FireDac as it has good Asynch methods after moving on i saw that none of my data editing works anymore it gives me an error: [FireDAC][Phys]-330. Cannot generate update query. Update…
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2 answers

Pass long Unicode strings to FireDac TADQuery parameter

I was using AsWideString to pass Unicode string to TADQuery parameter. ADQuery.Params.ParamByName('MyFld').AsWideString But when string becomes too long I got error: [MyFld]. Max len = [8002], actual len = [10522] Then I decided to use AsMemo…
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Firebird Default Collation

When creating a Firebird database with the SQL below, it doesn't follow the default collation specified. But if I then alter the default collation after the database is created it works. This creates a database that has a default collation of UTF8.…
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1 answer

Getting error using a parameter with anydac (now firedac) script for firebird

I'm unable to get the following script to execute without error.. It's running in delphi against a firebird database. var vScript: TADScript; begin vScript := TADScript.Create(nil); vScript.Connection := xConnection; vScript.Transaction :=…
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What is the proper way to dynamically create and call a stored procedure in Delphi using FireDac?

I am relatively new to FireDAC. I want to be able to call a stored procedure "on the fly", dynamically. So far I have the following: function TForm21.ExecuteStoredProc(aSPName: string; aParams: TADParams): Boolean; var LSP: TADStoredProc; i:…
Nick Hodges
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TADQuery with calculated field of blob type in Delphi

I am using Anydac components to access database. TADOQuery is for selecting of data from SQL database. One of the fields is text, but I need to display some RTF instead of this text (same text but with highlighted words, etc). I tried to create…
Andrei Galatyn
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1 answer

delphi Form read error

Yesterday i was working on a project and everything worked fine, but today when i opened Delphi XE i opened the group project file and then the necessary form and i got this error: if i press ignore my whole project goes bad because there are some…
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1 answer

MSAccess SQL Too few parameters. Expected 4

I'm using Delphi XE2 and AnyDAC and an MSAccess db. The table 'timea' has 5 fields: Rec_No AutoNumber App text User_ID text PW text Comment memo This code throws the error below. The query works just fine in Access query…
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3 answers

Delphi SQLite Wrapper with Static Linking and Encryption support

I need a wrapper for SQLite which supports static linking and has at least some basic encryption support (also, preferably free) To summarize what I've found so far ZeosLib - Supports encryption. Doesn't support static linking. AduCom - Website is…
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1 answer

NULL's missing while move from Anydac to Firedac

I'm moving code from Delphi 2007 + AnyDac to Delphi XE4 + FireDac. In AnyDac case all empty strings were stored like NULL, and in FireDac all empty strings are stored like empty string ''. I need to go back to NULL's. What is the best way of doing…
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1 answer

Is it possible and meaningful to execute an Array DML command containing BLOB data?

Is it possible to execute an Array DML INSERT or UPDATE statement passing a BLOB field data in the parameter array ? And the more important part of my question, if it is possible, will Array DML command containing BLOB data still be more efficient…
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1 answer

FireDAC: Array DML Progress

I'm inserting huge amount of data to my remote MS SQL database using FireDAC's Array DML feature. It works fine but takes time to complete execute method. While execute method running, I want to know the internal progress of FireDAC so that I can…
Mehmet Fide
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