Questions tagged [firebird]

Firebird is a free and open-source, cross-platform, client-server SQL relational database management system, running on Linux, Unix, and Windows. Please mention your exact Firebird version when asking questions.

Firebird (Wikipedia) is an open-source SQL relational database management system (RDBMS) using the client-server model. It is cross-platform, running on Linux, Unix, and Windows.

It is written in C++, and is ultimately derived from the Borland InterBase 6.0 source code. Firebird is open-source, released under a non-copyleft MPL-like license. It is totally libre and free, for both open-source and commercial applications, but of course you can contribute back with code and donations to the Firebird Foundation.

Firebird and its predecessors have been in use for more than 30 years, which makes it a very mature and stable product.


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3372 questions
12 answers

Generate insert SQL statements from a CSV file

I need to import a csv file into Firebird and I've spent a couple of hours trying out some tools and none fit my needs. The main problem is that all the tools I've been trying like EMS Data Import and Firebird Data Wizard expect that my CSV file…
Fabio Gomes
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7 answers

What is the best database to use for a Java desktop application

Which of the following databases is best for a big desktop application: Firebird, JavaDB, hsqldb ? I need performance, easy of use, and totally free license.
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2 answers

Column aliasing in SELECT statements doesn't work with SQuirrel SQL + Firebird

I tried add an column alias in SELECT statement using SQuirrel SQL 3.4 + Firebird 1.5 + Driver JDBC Jaybird 2.2.[0|1] (JVM 1.7.0_03), but doesn't work. The column aliased appears with the original name of column. In another tool (DBExpert) the same…
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8 answers

Postgres vs Firebird

I'm looking to use either Firebird or Postgres in my next development project ... largely because both are available under a BSD-like license. I found a great comparison of the two database at…
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6 answers

Firebird error "username and password are not defined" with Delphi application

I have an application made with Delphi 2006 and Firebird 2.5. For connection a use Interbase components from Delphi. I setting up in design time a TIBDatabase with username, password tc, and work ok, but when i want to run application in another pc…
Origen Banaru
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9 answers

Ordering SQL query by specific field values

I've got a sql query (using Firebird as the RDBMS) in which I need to order the results by a field, EDITION. I need to order by the contents of the field, however. i.e. "NE" goes first, "OE" goes second, "OP" goes third, and blanks go last.…
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2 answers

Views and Entity Framework

I've created a view in my database which I would like to include in my entity model. However, when I try to update the entity model through VS 2008, a warning message informs me that the TABLE OR VIEW I'm trying to add doesn't have a primary key.…
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2 answers

What data structure is recommended for multiple calendars, dates and durations?

I have a requirement to store dates and durations arising from multiple different calendars. In particular I need to store dates that: Span the change to Gregorian calendars in different countries at different times Cover a historic period of at…
Chris Walton
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6 answers

EXPLAIN SELECT in other databases

I found EXPLAIN SELECT query very useful in MySQL because it gives information on how SQL will be executed and gives the opportunity to analyze, for e.g., missing indexes you should add in order to improve response BEFORE doing the query itself and…
Mauro H. Leggieri
2 answers

MySQL vs Firebird vs SQLite

We will implement a company based ( not open source ) software and I really cannot choose which one I am going to work with. I can see the differences between all of them here but I need more specific information, like is really MySql not free for…
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3 answers

C# constructing parameter query SQL - LIKE %

I am trying to build SQL for a parameter query in C# for a query which will contain the LIKE %% command. Here is what I am trying to acheive (please note that the database is Firebird) var SQL = string.format("SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE {1} LIKE…
7 answers

Using Delphi data-aware components - pros and cons

I want to know your opinion about using data-aware components in projects. Which are the 'strength' and 'weak' points of developing applications(win32 and web), by using Delphi and data-aware components(from Delphi's standard suite or third-party)?…
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1 answer

Incompatible wire encryption levels requested on client and server with Firebird provider

I am testing the connection firebird 3 using C #. The version of what I'm used is the latest : Firebird ADO.NET Provider 5.0. But when you make the connection , the error occurs "Incompatible wire encryption levels requested on client and server"."…
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4 answers

Best method to secure connection to firebird over internet

I have a client-server application which use a firebird server 2.5 over internet. I have met the problem of given a secure access to FB databases and as a first approch a tried to solve this problem by integrating a tunnel solution in the…
moualek adlene
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9 answers

what's the best Firebird IDE?

Simple question. I'm considering Firebird and SQLite for an upcoming project. SQLite has SQLite Administrator, which is pretty good but gets +1M because it has autocomplete. But Firebird supports FKs, so I'm more comfortable with it. I'm leaning…
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